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时间:2023-02-01 21:02来源:毕业论文


Study on Problems and Optimization of temporary employment in Solvay(Zhang Jiagang) Specialty Chemicals Co,。Ltd。
Abstract With the development of sociality, the internal and external environment of the enterprise is becoming more and more complex。 When temporary occupation occurs, for saving labor cost, enhancing the flexibility of personal and other factors, the organization trends to hire temporary workers。 Due to the specialty of temporary employees, more and more management problems occur frequently, so far, the probably application and management have been a tough problem that every enterprise faces。 This paper uses Solvay(Zhang Jiagang) Speciality Chemicals Co,。Ltd as an example, analysising the highlights and shortcomings of management on temporary employment。 Finally putting forward corresponding solutions to the problems of temporary employees management。 Solutions covers training on temporary workers, paying attention to the career development plan, creating an equal communication environment, setting challenging work goals and improving employee’s sense of belonging from the angle of the invisible contract, to make the management of this company’s temporary employees more probable and improve the efficiency and function of human resource management。 it also gives a reference for other companies temporary employment。

Keywords:Temporary occupation; Temporary employment management; Solavy(Zhang Jiagang) Specialty Chemicals Co,。Ltd。 Optimization programme

1绪论   1
1。1研究的背景   1
1。2研究的目的与意义   1
1。3 临时性用工的界定   2
1。4 本文研究思路、研究方法与研究内容   4
2 研究理论基础   5
2。1 心理契约   5
2。2 马斯洛需求层次理论   6
2。3 补偿性差异理论   6
2。4 人员培训与开发   7
3 索尔维(张家港)精细化工有限公司临时性岗位用工现状及存在问题   7
3。1 企业简介   7
3。2 企业临时性用工现状调查   7
3。3 企业临时性岗位用工管理亮点   12
3。4 企业临时性岗位用工存在的问题及不足之处   13
4 索尔维(张家港)精细化工有限公司临时性岗位用工优化方案   15
4。1 关注临时性岗位雇佣工的培训,注重其职业发展规划   15
4。2 营造平等的沟通环境   15
4。3 制定富有挑战性的工作目标   16
4。4 从心理契约角度提高员工的归属感   17
结论   18
致谢   19
参考文献   20 公司临时性岗位用工方式存在问题及优化方案研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_131930.html