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时间:2021-12-23 20:37来源:毕业论文

摘要我国于 1996 年对《刑事诉讼法》进行了修订,此次修订的刑诉法中明确规定,犯罪嫌 疑人第一次被讯问或者是被采取相应的强制措施之后,律师就拥有了为其提供相应的法律 援助或是为其代理诉讼的权利,这意味着犯罪的嫌疑人的权利在一定范围内被扩大了。作 为律师辩护权的关键内涵之一,律师在场权能够监督侦查机关审讯犯罪嫌疑人时对审讯行 为是否合法以及是否侵犯了犯罪嫌疑人的人身权益。但是,鉴于国情和种种原因,我国尚 未建立律师在场权制度,在侦查阶段律师依旧无法及时介入,因而失去了充分地为犯罪嫌 疑人进行辩护的机会。论文首先对律师的在场权相关概念进行了描述,利用广义还有狭义 的比对来对这个概念给出定义。其次从无罪推定原则、正当程序原则和控辩平等原则入手, 探讨律师在场权的理论基础。第二部分从国外的立法规定和实践情况出发,考察大陆法系 和英美法系的规定,为我国律师在场权制度的设立提供可借鉴的参考。第三、四部分论述 了在当前形势下,我国确立律师在场权制度的必要性和可行性。最后一部分具体提出我国 构建律师在场权制度的初步设想,包括律师在场所享有的权利和义务,以及相关配套制度 的保障,以确保律师在场权制度能够发挥最大的效益,以弥补侦查程序的缺陷,达到保障 人权、实现司法公正的目的。76012

毕业论文关键词 律师在场权 辩护权 刑事诉讼

Title The Lawyer's Right to be Present in the Criminal Procedure

Abstract The revised 1996 "Code of Criminal Procedure" extended the scope the rights of suspects,and it sets the institution that a counsel could provide the suspects with legal assistance,agency complaints and charges the time being questioned for the first time or after the date of compulsory measures。The lawyer's right to be present is a vital part of the lawyer’s right to defend and plays an unmistakable role in controlling the interrogation  of  the investigative organs and safeguarding the lawful interests of the criminal suspects。Nevertheless,due to historical reason in China, we have no such system in place,meanwhile, counsels could be unable to intervene nor acquire defensive documents timely for the sake of sufficiently defend their suspects。In this thesis, the first part gives an introduction to the concept of lawyer presence right, defining the lawyer presence right based on the comparison in both broad and narrow senses。 Then, according to the principles including presumption of innocence, due process and equality between prosecution and defence, the theoretical foundation of lawyer presence right is explored。 The second part investigates into the provisions of civil law system and common law system based on the legislative provisions and practices abroad with a view to providing references for China's establishment of lawyer presence right system。 The third and fourth parts elaborate on the necessity and feasibility of the establishment of lawyer presence system in China。 The final part proposes the preliminary conception about China's establishment  of lawyer presence system, such as the rights of obligations of lawyer presence and assurance of relevant supporting systems。 Such conception is intended to maximize the effect of lawyer presence right system for the purpose of making up for the deficiencies of investigation procedure, protecting human rights and ensuring justice。

Keywords  The lawyer’s right to be present          Defensive right        Criminal Procedure 刑事诉讼中的律师在场权初探:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_87098.html
