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时间:2021-11-30 20:20来源:毕业论文



The theoretical foundation of limited government under the view of original free game

Abstract: Government as the market outside of the transcendent existence, can have different behavior limits。 The limited government is the best mode of conformity with the modern market economy。 The creation of the human world is pided into pre - existing world and the existence of the world, and through discussing on the first world market Abstract game model of independent development trend and results, discusses the existing necessity and the behavior of the limit。 Existing in the original free game equilibrium in the world to achieve stability in the presence of congenital defects of the decision of the government of the necessity, and its relatively complete structure and reach game equilibrium of the innate tendency, and also determines the limited nature of the government。 This is the theoretical basis of the limited government in this paper。

Key Words: The original free game; Former exist world;Limited government

目  录

一、前言 1

二、原始自由博弈的概念及特点 1

(一)“原始”是超越时间的原始,“自由”是博弈的初始设定 1

(二)“泛化的经济人”构成的博弈系统 2

(三)野蛮的原始自由博弈有自毁的先天趋势 2

二、原始自由博弈系统的均衡机制 3

(一)博弈均衡是对博弈自毁趋势的自我救赎 3

(二)“利己→利他”机制与均衡妥协 4

(三)人类世界生而文明,文明是世界的属性和目的 4

三、有限政府与博弈均衡 5

(一)“实然”的博弈均衡需要外在具体规则的保障 5

(二)政府是外在具体规则的制定者 5

(三)原始自由博弈的完整性和自发性决定了政府的有限性 6

四、结语 6

参考文献 8

致  谢 9


近代意义上的政府职能基于其所依存的经济基础,在西方经历了从“放任政府”到“全能政府”再到“有限政府”的演变发展过程。在中国,也历经“自由zhuyi政治”、“精英政府”、“有限政府”三个阶段 。政府究竟应该扮演何种角色?有限政府是否合理?政府行为限度问题一直是学界争论的焦点问题之一。

在这种情形下,由市场的抽象模型出发,探讨政府与市场关系的最初意义,便显得尤为清晰、有效。 原始自由博弈视野下有限政府的理论基础:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_85663.html
