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时间:2021-09-02 20:14来源:毕业论文

摘  要:简政放权就是政府把紧抓在自己手中的行政权力下放给市场,更好的发挥市场的能动作用,从而让市场实现它的资源配置作用。目前我国处在经济社会转型的关键时期,政府的行政体制改革迫在眉睫,为市场经济注入活力。文章从简政放权这个角度分析简政放权的必要性、以及简政放权过程中遇到的阻力,根据简政放权的实施条件给出政府进一步简政放权的对策,从而促进政府职能的完善和经济的发展。71647


The New Government and to Delegate the System Innovation

Abstract: Decentralization is the government in their own hands clutching administrative decentralization to the market, better play a dynamic role in the market, allowing the market to achieve its decisive role. Decentralization is the government's reform, reform of the economic base of the development of administrative policies requires changing the practice of deepening understanding, driving us to accelerate the pace of transformation of government functions. The new government to promote decentralization effect is very significant, and achieved a lot of success, but still met a lot of problems. Direction of decentralization reform is to market through decentralization, decentralization to the community, the local government decentralization, efforts to solve the problem of the relationship between government and market, government and society, central government and local governments. we must promote economic growth through further reform pidend released and decentralization reform is the key to release the bonus.

Key Words: reform;decentralization;system innovation

目  录

一、市场经济条件下简政放权的必要性 1

二、简政放权使市场主导资源配置 1

(一)简政放权有利于激发市场活力 1

(二)简政放权是全民创业的必然要求 2

(三)简政放权有利于培育社会组织 2

(四)简政放权有利于政府职能转变 2

三、政府进一步简政放权的难题 3

(一)行政审批项目仍需撤销和下放 3

(二)简政放权的过程中落实不到位 3

(三)简政放权过程监管政策的缺失 4

(四)项目评估机构专业性不足 4

(五)行政机关裁量权太太 4

四、进一步简政放权的实施条件 4

(一)简政放权激活市场潜力 4

(二)行政审批制度改革进一步改革 5

(三)行政审批制度改革中积累了经验 5

(四)行政审批制度的改革完善了政府职能 5

五、政府简政放权进一步改革政策 5

(一)推进法制建设,提供法律保障 6

(二)加大简政放权的力度 6

(三)培育第三方评估机构 6

结语 7

参考文献 8

致  谢 9

一、市场经济条件下简政放权的必要性 简政放权的经济学分析:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_81314.html
