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时间:2021-08-14 15:07来源:毕业论文
医患纠纷不仅对人民群众的看病就医而且 对社会的安定团结产生了重大影响,破坏了和谐的医患关系,也影响了医疗卫生事业的健康 发展。各地大大小小的医疗纠纷频频见诸报端

摘 要:目前,我国医患纠纷的发生呈上升趋势。医患纠纷不仅对人民群众的看病就医而且 对社会的安定团结产生了重大影响,破坏了和谐的医患关系,也影响了医疗卫生事业的健康 发展。各地大大小小的医疗纠纷频频见诸报端,靠暴力解决医患纠纷也时有发生。所以,如 何运用合理方法治理解决医患纠纷,构建和谐的医患关系,已经成为当务之急。

本文的架构主要由以下几部份组成:第一章为医患关系的界定,对医患关系进行了一个 详细的描述;第二章为医患产生的原因;第三章对我国医患纠纷的诉讼解决机制的研究。第 四章是对医患解决机制的完善建议。70740


Law research on the medical dispute solution mechanism

Abstract:At present, the disputes between doctors and patients is on the rise. Medical disputes between doctors and patients, not only for the people but also had a significant impact on social stability and unity and undermine harmonious doctor-patient relationship, also affected the healthy development of medical and health services. Frequently reported medical disputes large and small, rely on violence to solve medical disputes have also occurred. So, how to use rational approach to solve medical disputes, building harmonious relationship between doctor and patient, has become a top priority.

This framework consists of the following parts: Chapter defines the relationship between

doctor and patient, the doctor-patient relationship is a detailed description of the second chapter for the cause of doctor-patient; the third chapter of the study on the mechanism of action of medical disputes in China. The fourth chapter is the solution mechanism of doctor and patient advice.

Key Words:Doctor-patient dispute;Settlement mechanism;Litigation

目 录

一、引 1

二、医患关系的法律性质的观点 1

(一)民事法律关系说 1

(二)消费法律关系说 1

(三)行政法律关系说 3

三、医患纠纷产生的原因 3

(一)医方原因 3

(二)患方原因 3

(三)社会原因 4

四、医患纠纷的诉讼解决机制研究 4

(一)医疗侵权责任 5

(二)医疗违约责任 5

(三)医疗侵权责任和违约责任的区别 5

五、医疗纠纷解决机制的完善建议 6

(一)将多元化医疗纠纷解决机制法制化、规范化 6

(二)建立专门的医事法 6

(三)医院应深化改革加强自身建设 6

(四)媒体应正确的引导,减少推波助澜 6

(五)建立健全信息公开制度 6

六、结 6

参考文献 7



近年来,我国医患关系紧张,医患矛盾逐渐加剧。目前,我国尚无一部专业的法律来调 整医患纠纷。大多适用《民法通则》、《侵权责任法》。不同的解决方式使医患纠纷的解决 方式不尽相同,结果也不相同。 不动产纠纷专属管辖范围的实证研究与科学界定:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_80196.html
