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时间:2019-02-18 21:52来源:毕业论文

“Moved China” Enlightenment to Ideology and Political Education Model Demonstration Method
Abstract: The ideological and political education to obtain actual effect must emphasize the method. The method of example demonstration is a universal method used in the education of ideology and politics, and it plays an important role in the process of this education. Through adverting heroes’ deeds, the method of example demonstration would lead the public to improve their ideology, to enhance their will and belief, thus achieve the transformation from “knowing” to “acting”. “Moved China” is a “spiritual brand” of China, it complies with the trend of the time, attracting public attention though selecting examples. The method of example demonstration in the education of ideology and politics gets enlightenment from this program that it should adhere to the principle of positive education all the time, and choose a more inclusive carrier for the education of ideology and politics, as well as seek for an approach to put the education of ideology and politics into practice. Only in this way, we can realize mutual conversion of knowledge.
Key words: “Moved China”; Model demonstration method; Ideology and political education            
摘   要    1
Abstract    1
一、《感动中国》对思想政治教育榜样示范法的作用    2
(一)《感动中国》的发展历程和特点    2
    (二)《感动中国》对思想政治教育榜样示范法的作用效果    3
二、《感动中国》对榜样示范法的启示    3
(一)体现了思想政治教育榜样示范法的正面教育原则    3
(二)丰富了思想政治教育的载体    4
(三)指明了思想政治教育榜样示范法的实践途径    5
三、发挥思想政治教育榜样示范法的作用    6
(一)思想政治教育要坚持榜样引领,正面教育为主的原则    6
(二)开展思想政治教育工作要充分发掘和利用“榜样”资源    6
(三)思想政治教育发挥榜样示范作用要明确学习榜样的方法    7
参考文献    9
致谢    10
改革开放以来,随着社会的进步,一方面在市场经济的趋利性条件下人们对物质利益的过度强化,使得一些人在金钱面前迷失自我,一追求物质利益而忽视了精神追求。人们的价值观念发生很大变化。社会上的贪污腐败,做好事被讹诈的现象层出不穷,如徐才厚案、薄熙来案,“扶不扶”的问题等,导致社会信任遭遇滑坡。另一方面,由于国际方面的资产阶级意识形态的扩散,对相对弱势的国家的人们给予思想上的混乱。同时,例如可信度和吸引力不足,模范精神宣传片面化等使得一些英雄模范从而淡出了我们的视野,如“草原英雄”龙梅玉容等等。 《感动中国》对思想政治教育榜样示范法的启示:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_30355.html