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时间:2021-03-15 23:37来源:毕业论文



Abstract: with the now the rapid development of social economy, the rule of law, administration by law vigorously promote, administrative discretion rights become the core content of administrative law, and administrative law in a important concept, discretion is the administrative situation, according to the specific circumstances of timely change policy, flexible, convenient and efficient. There is a saying that good: right itself leads to the nature of corruption, discretion in administrative act are of course plays an indispensable role, but at the same time, it also brings a lot of administrative discretion rights abuse of administrative litigation in our country in the vast majority of litigation is about the right of discretion of administrative organs free abuse, how to regulate and restrict the right of administrative discretion, discretion regression legitimate purpose, avoid the tyrannical administration and their own administrative behavior has become the problem urgently to be solved in the modern society.

Keywords:administrative discretion, abuse of authority, restriction and standardization


一、前言 3

二、行政自由裁量权中额滥用职权行为的客观存在 4

 (一)行政行为中的自由裁量权 4

(二)行政自由裁量权存在客观原因 5

(三)滥用职权行为及其与行政自由裁量权的关系 6

三、行政自由裁量权中滥用职权表现形式及危害 7

(一)滥用职权的主要表现形式 7

(二)滥用职权的危害 8

四、对滥用职权行为的法律规制 9

(一)行使自由裁量权滥用应遵循的原则 9

(二)监督与控制的方式 10

(三)行政系统内部控制 12

(四)加强对滥用职权的社会监督 13

结语 14

参考文献 15

致谢 16


行政自由裁量权在行政领域的争议颇多,众说纷纭,随着现代社会的不断进步、不断发展,对于行政自由裁量权的研究也日益深入,日益繁重的社会活动和行政实践带来了行政自由裁量权扩大的必要性,如果自由裁量权运用得当,可以服务社会,促进整个经济、政治、文化、国家的繁荣发展,一旦行政自由裁量权出现了大范围的滥用,势必会对整个社会产生巨大的危害和影响,会给整个法治进程带来严重的负面弊端。本文主要内容是分析行政自由裁量权的定义,以及行政自由裁量权中经常出现的滥用职权行为的客观存在,引领大家对于行政自由裁量权进行进一步的认识,让大家充分认识到行政自由裁量权的滥用的表现形式和滥用职权的重大危害性,并且探讨如何有效的规制行政实践中存在的滥用职权的行为的方法和途径,使行政行为合理化、有序化、合法化,更好的为社会服务。 论行政自由裁量权中的滥用职权行为:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_71589.html
