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时间:2021-02-03 11:14来源:毕业论文



Abstract:In China's administrative litigation "difficult to initiate" ,this problem was very prominent, had been hailed as "almost inaccessible". The filing of the link blocked, and brought a series of drawbacks. This paper mainly analyzed the new revision of the "administrative procedure law" from the expanding scope of the case, the administrative organ shall not intervention hinders the court filing, establish a registration system, extend the administrative prosecution deadline and coca head prosecution and other aspects of system design, of people successfully opened the door filing role in promoting, and according to the new law in the implementation process may encounter problems and put forward further expanded by the scope of the case, into the public interest litigation, the establishment of administrative court system perfect recommendations.

Keyword:administrative proceedings,  administrative litigation case,  perfect suggestion

一、引言 5

二、“立案难”的现状和对法治的负面影响 5

(一)由数据分析看“立案难” 5

(二)“立案难”之负面影响 6

三、新法对打开“立案大门”的促进作用 7

(一)扩大受案范围 7

(二)行政机关依法不得干预、阻碍法院立案 8

(三)建立立案登记制度 9

(四)延长行政起诉期限 9

(五)可口头起诉 10

四、关于进一步完善新法立案问题的建议 10

(一) 将抽象行政行为有限纳入可诉事项范围之内 10

(二)将公益诉讼纳入可诉事项范围之内 11

(三)建立行政法院制度 11

结语 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15


行政诉讼是我国一项重要的行政争议解决制度和公民权利救济制度,特别是在处于社会矛盾加剧期的中国,行政诉讼本应当在解决行政纠纷和保障公民权益这一方面发挥着不可替代的作用,然而现实情况往往不尽人意。众所周知,我国“民告官”十分困难,尤其是在立案环节更是难上加难。根据最高人民法院的民意调查中,有关行政诉讼“立案难”的问题位居前列,百姓对于法院不依法受理行政案件不满意度极高。有些法院对于行政相对人提起的行政诉讼只有30%可以成功立案。目前,行政诉讼呈现出不景气的局面,立案环节成为百姓难跨过的门槛,把很多案件拦到法院大门之外,导致法院受理的行政案件数量少之又少。 行政诉讼老百姓立案完善建议:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_69469.html
