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时间:2017-05-07 09:49来源:毕业论文

Status of Rural Residents’Income Distribution Differences – Taking Case Study of Zhumadian City as an Example
    Abstract: Since the founding of New China significantly improve the income level of rural residents in China, the structure of income sources has also undergone tremendous changes, but the overall income distribution differences between China' s rural population continues to expand, the income of different income groups continued to widen the income gap between different types of rural residents also expanding. In Zhumadian City, for example, an empirical analysis of income differences between the status of rural residents. By comparing specific examples, drawn from the root of the system is due to three major conflicts, from government departments, inpiduals and members of society to develop and implement appropriate farmer six narrow differences in income distribution policy in three areas of rural residents on the basis of institutional and proposals to address rural residents' income distribution differences.
    Key words: Rural residents; Income distribution gap; Distribution system reform   
目        录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、农村居民收入分配的历史演变    2
(一)新中国成立以来农村居民收入水平增长显著    2
(二)农村居民收入来源的结构比重变化巨大    3
二、当前农村居民收入分配差异的现状—以驻马店市为例    3
(一)农村居民收入分配差异现状    3
(二)以驻马店市为例现状特点    4
(三)以驻马店市为例实证分析    5
三、农村居民收入分配差异的原因    6
(一)农业集中化生产与家庭联产承包经营之间存在矛盾    6
(二)农业人口的过剩与城镇化发展的滞后之间存在矛盾    6
(三)农村村民自治和政权机构扩张之间存在着矛盾    7
四、缩小农村居民收入分配差异的对策和建议    7
(一)用发展观念来解决收入分配差异的矛盾    7
(二)鼓励发展个体私营经济    8
(三)政府提供多渠道方式扩大就业    8
(四)健全土地流转制度保护现有耕地    8
(五)构建区域间合作沟通的桥梁    9
(优尔)注重收入分配公平和效率优先并举    9
五、结语    9
参考文献    9
致谢    11        
农业是国民经济的基础,农民是我们的衣食父母,收入是他们生存的基础。然而,近些年随着改革开放的推进和社会主义市场经济的繁荣发展,我国农村居民收入虽持续增长,但收入分配差距却也在逐年扩大。鉴于三农的重要地位,因此我们要高度重视农村居民收入分配差异问题,并针对这些问题深入研究,提出解决方案和措施。 农村居民收入分配差异的现状分析:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_6477.html