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时间:2020-10-24 21:42来源:毕业论文

摘 要:本文以快播公司网络信息传播侵权案为例,梳理了快播信息网络侵权案件的法律争议问题,据此分析了云视频网站的传播行为。针对该案的两个争议焦点,提出了自己的看法,一是仅提供链接不上传具体的视频的行为是否为信息网络传播行为,本文经分析后认为该行为不属于侵犯信息网络传播权的行为;二是仅提供链接的行为的责任承担方式,结合了司法实践,我认为网络服务提供者应被认定为间接侵权,与直接侵权责任人承担连带责任。在文章的最后,根据对快播公司的案件分析,联系实际,对云视频传播过程中涉及的相关法律规定的适用作了简要分析。58643


Abstract:Based on the fast company network information transmission infringement as an example, the article combed the fast information network infringement cases of legal issues, on the basis of analysis of the spread of cloud video website. This case has two contentious issues. The author has her own view. One is only provide specific links don't upload videos whether belong to the behavior of communication information through network. In this paper, after analysis that the behavior does not belong to information network transmission right infringement behavior. The behavior of the two is only provides links should undertake what kind of responsibility. Combining with the judicial practice, I think that the Internet service provider shall be deemed to be the indirect infringement, jointly and severally liable with the direct infringement responsibility. At the end of the article, according to the case analysis of the fast company, Contact the actual situation, brief analysis the transmission process of cloud video and the application of the relevant laws and regulations.

Keyword: Cloud video, Information network transmission right, Information network communication behavior

1   前言 4

2   据以研究的案例 4

2.1  案情简介 4

2.2  案件焦点 4

3   快播提供链接行为是否属于信息网络传播行为 5

3.1   快播公司的行为定性  5

3.2   快播公司的过错认定  6

3.3   提供链接行为定性存在的分歧  7

4   云视频侵权行为的责任承担方式 7

4.1   快播的行为是“直接侵权”还是“间接侵权”  7

4.2   不同的责任认定决定法律适用  9

4.3   避风港规则和红旗规则的适用  10

结语  11

参考文献  12

致谢  13

 1  前 言


2   据以研究的案例源:自;优尔'-论.文,网·www.youerw.com/

2.1  案情简介

2012年8月7日,腾讯计算机系统有限公司(简称腾讯公司)经相关著作权主体授权,获得电视剧《陆贞传奇》的独占信息网络传播权、独占维权权利,授权期五年,自这部剧在湖南卫视正式首播之日起算。 云视频传播行为的法律应对:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_63646.html
