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时间:2020-07-29 20:09来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Renunciation of complicity refers to how to evaluate the problem of their guilt part in the joint crime after exiting it. By elaborating the concept of renunciation of complicity, and make comparison of the discontinuance and the renunciation of complicity, this article clearly separate the discontinuance and termination of joint crimes , and discusses through the angle of it’s own understanding standard by reviewing relevant theories in foreign countries especially Japan. And that, in the common principal offender before embarking on the detachment ,the detachment only need to express the meaning to other accomplice, while the standard from the joint principal offender to post according to the detachment in complicity in the different status is also different, in addition, the abettor and accessory occasions, the instigator of the need to take action the instigation effect to disappear, the offender helpers need to eliminate the others' mental and physical help, then they can constitute an accomplice.

Keywords:Joint Crime,Renunciation of Complicity,Discontinuance for crime


1引言 4

2共犯关系脱离概念之简述 4

3共犯脱离与共犯中止之比较 6

4共犯关系脱离标准之述评 7

4.1共同意思欠缺说 7

4.2障碍未遂准用说 8

4.3因果关系切断说 9

4.4共犯关系解消说 9

4.5共犯脱离成立标准之我见 10

5共犯关系脱离的具体情况 11

5.1共同正犯的脱离 11

5.2教唆犯、帮助犯的脱离 12

结语 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15


所谓“共犯关系的脱离”的问题,是指有关共犯参与人在放弃了犯意而从共犯关系中脱离时,此共犯参与人,对于其他共犯人所实行的犯罪,应当担负何种范围之罪责的问题。详言之,在数人参与共同犯罪的情况下,当中的一人或者数人中途放弃犯意而脱离共同犯罪关系,实在是现实中十分常见的情况;而在这种情况下,其他全部共犯参与人也同时中止犯罪行为的情况却十分少见。此时,如果其他共犯人继续犯罪并达到既遂,那么在此之前的脱离者应当担负何种罪责?目前实践中常见的做法,是在“部分行为全部责任”之原则的基础之上对共犯脱离之人以既遂之责予以处罚。但这对于那些在犯罪途中回心转意的人来说,显然过于残酷,也不利于对共同犯罪的分化瓦解。而以目前我国刑法的相关规定,并不能使这一问题得到很好的解决。为了弥补刑事立法中关于共犯中止规定的不足,解决这一不公平现象,共犯脱离的概念顺势而生。而研究共犯脱离的意义,在于确定与共犯脱离人脱离之前的行为相应的罪责,以及对其脱离后,是否还需要对其他共犯人所实施的行为及造成的结果承担相关的罪责。源-自-优尔:,论'文'网]www.youerw.com 共犯脱离构成标准探索:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_57077.html
