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时间:2020-06-28 19:30来源:毕业论文

摘要1949年至今,我国的生育政策经历了五次调整,其对家庭变迁的影响是深远的。本文通过分析我国生育政策调整和家庭变迁的总体概况,重点研究生育政策调整对家庭结构和家庭功能的影响。生育政策对家庭结构的影响主要体现在传统大家庭逐渐瓦解,扩大家庭或联合家庭逐渐成为主流;联合家庭向主干家庭转变;主干家庭减少,核心家庭成为主流;传统大家族向核心家庭结构转变完成。家庭功能所受的影响主要体现在家长权威减弱,个人的自我权利、社会功能增强; 生产功能减弱,情感功能增强;养老功能、情感功能相对弱化,消费功能增强;生养功能弱化,教育功能增强。51711

Abstract:Since 1949, our country has experienced five times the birth policy adjustment, the impact on family change is profound. In this article, through analysis of China's one child policy adjustment and the general situation of family change, focus on fertility policy adjustment to the influence of family structure and family functioning. Birth policy's influence on the family structure is mainly manifested in the traditional family gradually collapse, extended family or joint family gradually becomes the mainstream; Joint family to the trunk family change; Reduce the trunk family, nuclear family became the mainstream; Traditional family to the nuclear family structure change. Family functions are mainly embodied in the parents' authority is abate, personal self-rights and enhancing the social function; Production function is abate, emotional enhancements; Endowment function, emotional function relatively weak, consumption function enhancement; Have a weak, strengthen education function.

毕业论文关键词:生育政策; 家庭变迁; 家庭功能;家庭结构

Keywords: childbearing policy;  family changes;  family function;  family formation

  目     录

绪   论 4

一、生育政策与家庭变迁的涵义 4

(一)生育政策 4

(二)家庭变迁 4

1.家庭的涵义 4

2.家庭变迁的涵义 4

(1)家庭结构的涵义 5

(2)家庭功能的涵义 5

二、当代我国生育政策调整及其对家庭变迁的影响 5

(一)新中国成立后的生育政策及其对家庭变迁的影响 5

1.新中国成立后的生育政策:鼓励生育,限制打胎、节育、人工流产 5

2.新中国成立后的生育政策对家庭变迁的影响 6

(1)家庭结构的变迁:传统大家庭逐渐瓦解,扩大家庭或者联合家庭逐渐成为主流 6

(2)家庭功能的变迁:家长权威减弱,个人的自我权利、社会功能增强 6

(二)1971年计划生育政策的实施及其对家庭变迁的影响 7

1.1971年计划生育政策:节制生育,控制人口增长 7

2.1971年计划生育政策调整对家庭变迁的影响 7

(1)家庭结构的变迁:联合家庭逐渐减少,主干家庭成为主流 8

(2)家庭功能的变迁:生产功能减弱,情感功能增强 8

(三)2002年“双独二胎”政策及其对家庭变迁的影响 当代我国生育政策调整对家庭变迁的影响:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_55452.html
