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时间:2019-10-11 20:16来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:公司治理; 三权分立; 两权分立;模式;革新
Corporate governance mode of separation of powers and the merits    of the two rights separation
Abstract:Corporate governance mode is classified in many ways, to three powers and separation of two rights separation theory based respectively in discrete mode and two rights separation mode become the typical patterns of corporate governance structure, and get the follow the lead of many countries. The mode of the separation of powers, the company can make full use of the board of supervisors to managers to supervise, urge and promoting the play the biggest role. Two rights separation mode of companies generally do not set up the board of supervisors, which led to operators that have larger franchise, which is conducive to give full play to their enthusiasm and creativity. China's "company law" from the legislation established corporate governance of the "separation of the three powers" structure mode, in this paper I on the mode characteristics and root will be described, and listed as corporate governance structure of two power separation mode comparative analysis, key comparison of advantages and disadvantages, it is concluded that the "separation of the three powers model meets the need of corporate governance of our country in the present and by comparing to the current exploring the reform of corporate governance in our country to provide some reference.
Key words:Corporate governance;Separation of powers;Two rights separation;Checks and balances;model;innovation  
目    录
    摘   要 2
    Abstract  2
    前   言 3
一、公司治理模式类型  3
(一)两权分立模式  4
(二)三权分立模式  4
     二、两种治理模式的比较 5
    (一)两权分立模式的优点与缺点  5
(二)三权分立模式的优点与缺点  6
三、对我国公司治理结构探索的借鉴  6
(一)整体模式不宜变更  7
(二)股东会应提高决策效率与科学化  7
(三)董事会继续加强执行能力  7
(四)监事会履行应尽的监督权利  8
   结语  8
   参考文献   9
   致谢 10
公司治理模式下三权分立与两权分立的优劣比较 前言
公司治理是一个多角度并且比较复杂的概念,不能用简单的方式将其表达出来。可以从狭义和广义两方面来理解公司治理这一问题的出现和发展。狭义的公司治理,指的是公司的拥有者对公司管理者拥有监督和管理的权利。也就是用一种合理的制度来调节公司拥有者和管理者之间的关系。公司治理希望能够达到让公司拥有者的利益达到最大,避免出现管理者背叛公司的情况发生。公司治理的最大特点就是在公司的内部通过股东大会、监事会、董事会进行治理。而广义的公司治理指的是不仅仅要求股东对公司的管理者进行监督和制衡,而是包含了更多的参与公司管理有关的人,其中包括股东、公司所有者、供货厂家、工作人员、政府等和公司有关的所有部门。因而,广义的公司治理是通过一套包括正式或非正式的、内部的或外部的制度或机制来协调公司与所有利害相关者之间的利益关系,以保证公司决策的科学化,从而文护公司各方面的利益。 公司治理模式下三权分立与两权分立的优劣比较:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_40538.html