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时间:2018-07-29 21:44来源:毕业论文

A  comparative research on target population fertility intention under‘separate two-child’ fertility policy
——based on a field survey of South Jiangsu and North Jiangsu
[Abstract]In order to alleviate the population problem in China, the         government is relaxing the one-child policy. Jiangsu Province  began to implement the‘separate two-child’fertility policy in March 28, 2014.The separate        two-child fertility policy has an influence on qualified fertile woman’s        childbearing desire and some of them will give birth to another child in the  near future. Fertility intention will further increase the impact on fertility     behavior. The target population of the policy in different areas of Jiangsu, the fertility intention may be different, it will affect fertility behavior. This paper  takes Suzhou and Xuzhou target population as the research object. Comparative analysis by mean of questionnaire survey about the target population of the  South Jiangsu and North Jiangsu areas  in fertility intention, fertility intention   influence factors as well as ideas about the‘separate two-child’fertility policy  on whether there is different or same. Come to some conclusions to judge the trend of fertility behavior,providing the advice for adjustment of‘separate    two-child’fertility policy and reflecting on the impact of the police.
[Key Words]separate two-child policy;fertility intention;fertility behavior;   comparative analysis
一、绪论    2
(一)研究背景    2
(二)研究意义    2
(三)文献综述    2
二、研究设计    2
(一)概念界定    2
(二)研究对象    2
(三)研究方法    2
三、“单独二孩”生育政策目标人群生育意愿比较研究结果    2
(一)调查对象基本情况    2
(二)“单独二孩”生育政策目标人群生育意愿现状比较研究    2
1.理想子女数量比较分析    2
2.子女性别偏好比较分析    2
3.二孩生育意愿比较分析    2
4.再生育时间间隔比较分析    2
(三)“单独二孩”生育政策目标人群二孩生育意愿原因比较研究    2
1.政策目标人群有意愿生育二孩的原因比较分析    2
2.政策目标人群没有意愿生育二孩的原因比较分析    2
(四)“单独二孩”生育政策目标人群对二孩生育政策看法的比较研究    2 “单独二孩”生育政策目标人群生育意愿比较研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_20690.html