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时间:2019-10-13 20:04来源:毕业论文

Study on Several Legal Issues of the Transfer of Ownership During the Marriage
Abstract: In judicial practice, the marital duration of equity as the goodwill of the cognizance of the joint property of husband and wife, equity acquisition, the validity of the equity transfer agreement problems such as there is a big controversy, "company law" of our country at present on marital duration of equity transfer relevant provisions is not perfect, and judges in the judicial practice of other shareholders and the spouse interests protection focus is not very consistent, which appeared in the specific application of the "company law" or "marriage law" the decision of the conflict. And explore marital duration of equity transfer of relevant legal issues, it has strong pertinence and the significance of the judiciary. In combined with in-depth case analysis based on the proposed that reconciliation between departmental laws applicable laws conflict, perfect husband and wife common property registration system, suggestions of perfecting shareholder disciplinary procedure.
Key Words:equity transfer; matrimonial property; bona fide acquisition; legal conflict; agreement
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、股权能否作为夫妻共同财产来认定    2
(一)婚姻关系存续期间夫妻共同财产的范围    2
(二)股权的性质    3
(三)股权作为夫妻共同财产认定的情形    4
二、《公司法》与《婚姻法》在法律适用上的冲突    5
(一)实践中法院依《公司法》作出的判决    5
(二)法院以《婚姻法》为依据作出的判决    5
三、股权转让协议的效力    6
(一)股权转让协议效力与善意取得的关系    6
(二)未登记不影响股权转让协议的效力    7
四、婚姻存续期间股权转让制度的建议    7
(一)提高有限责任公司股东退出表决机制    7
(二)完善夫妻共有财产登记制度    8
(三)健全股东处分程序,降低举证难度    8
参考文献:    10
致谢    11
前 言
在当今社会中,随着离婚率的不断提升,财产分割也成为了离婚案件必不可少的争议焦点。在处理股权分割的问题上,更体现出了财产分割的复杂性和繁琐性。在夫妻婚姻存续期间所发生的股权转让纠纷中,存在有极其复杂的情形,正如如何认定股权为夫妻共同财产、在认定为夫妻共同财产时引起的《公司法》与《婚姻法》的适用冲突、以及单方转让股权的协议的效力等,而这些情形背后所体现的法理分析也是仁者见仁智者见智。为了更好的探讨此类问题,笔者从婚姻中股权转让问题视角,借鉴实践中的两个具体实例以及法院的不同判决,对股权转让过程中存在的法律问题展开探讨。 婚姻存续期间股权转让若干法律问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_40832.html