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时间:2023-09-11 21:22来源:毕业论文

摘   要 我国离婚率不断上升,离婚时子女抚养权的归属一直以来都是离婚双方争议的焦点,而处理过程中矛盾极易激化,为充分保障未成年子女利益,维护社会稳定,笔者层层递进,进行研究,探究离婚时子女抚养权归属问题。90199





The rising porce rate in China, when porce child custody has always been the main argument of both sides。 When dealing with the problem, the contradiction is easily sharpened。 To fully protect the interests of minor children and maintain social stability, the author from the layers of progressive, study and explore this issue。 

Firstly, this paper introduces the concept of custody and clarify the concepts of custody and guardianship from these four aspects: subject, object, form and content。

Secondly, summarize the three problems in the child custody when porce in China, including that it is difficult to break through the differences of legal concept between urban and rural, to acquire the real expression of children。 And the court is likely to consider too much on enforcement of judgments implementation difficulty。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

Moreover, summarize the following three main causes: the lack of legal consciousness, the disagreement on the foster ownership fees and the insure right of visiting。

Finally, take examples both at home and abroad, as for how to improve the institution of the ownership of custody, the author put forward his settlement mechanism from three aspects: refresh the views about the porced parent-child relationship, reform the family trial system and perfect the protection measures for the minor children。

毕业论文关键词:离婚; 未成年子女; 抚养权;

Keywords:  Divorce;  Minor children;  Custody;

目   录

引   言 4

一、抚养权概述 5

(一)抚养权概念 5

(二)抚养权与监护权辨析 5

1.主体和客体不同 5

2.表现形式和内容不同 5

二、我国离婚子女抚养权归属实践中的问题 6

(一)调解难以突破城乡法律观念差异 6

(二)法庭难以获得子女真实意思表示 6

(三)判决过多考量执行难度 7

三、我国抚养权归属纠纷主要成因 7

(一)当事人法律意识淡薄 8

(二)抚养费协议不成 8

(三)探望权难以保证 9

四、我国抚养权归属问题的解决机制 10

(一)更新我国离婚亲子关系立法观念 离婚时子女抚养权归属研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_196028.html
