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时间:2023-05-17 22:28来源:毕业论文



Abstract The family is the cell of the society, the porce causes the family to disintegrate, also relates to the husband and wife property pision, the child's custody, the parents maintenance and so on a series of questions。 The standard of porce is one of the most important parts of the porce legal system of a country。 The current standard of judgment of porce in China is the breakdown of marital relations, the provisions have a certain scientific basis of the perfection of legislation in the past, but also inevitable shortcomings, and these shortcomings in the judicial practice has evolved into a focus problem。 Some scholars advocate that the "marriage rupture" instead of "husband and wife" as the standard of porce。 The author thinks that the "marriage relationship rupture" instead of the current standard of porce is not perfect。 The current standard of porce in our country has its historical background, and the defects of "emotional breakdown" can be remedied by the improvement of legislative techniques

Key words:  Referee porce; marital relationship; marital relationship


引言 3

 一、我国的裁判离婚源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 标准 3

(一)裁判离婚标准的概念 3

(二)我国裁判离婚标准的立法原则 3

(三)我国裁判离婚标准的立法模式 4

(四)国内裁判离婚标准的历史沿革 4

二、我国司法实践中对裁判离婚标准的认定和执行现状 5

(一)案例的研究 5

(二)问题的发现 6

三、我国现行裁判离婚标准的评析与建议 7

(一)对现行裁判离婚标准的看法 7

(二)对今后离婚立法和司法审判的建议 7

结论 8

参考文献 10

致谢 11


随着我国经济的发展,社会环境发生极大变化,我国婚姻家庭面临了新的情况,离婚率居高不下。统计数据显示,自上个世纪70年代末始,我国离婚人数和离婚率持续上升,近几年来增幅明显。虽说离婚在一定程度上反映了人们观念的变化、社会的开放、进步和民主。但是,离婚毕竟是婚姻破裂的结果,而婚姻是维系家庭的一个重要纽带,婚姻的破裂势必会对一个家庭造成严重破坏,给夫妻双方造成精神、工作和生活上的影响。离婚还涉及到夫妻双方财产分割,子女的抚养权,父母的赡养等一系列问题。有关离婚的问题已经关系和影响到我国社会经济的健康平稳发展,和谐社会的建设。From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766 家事审判中裁判离婚标准的实证研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_168358.html
