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时间:2023-03-22 22:42来源:毕业论文


Abstract The administrative litigation law, revised in 2014, formally established the confirmed judgment as one of the forms of administrative judgment。This paper aims to analyze the present situation of our country's administrative confirmation judgment system, and put forward the following suggestions。 First, in the conflict between personal interests and public interests, the important interests of inpiduals should be protected as well as the corresponding compensation measures should be clear。 Second, should the refinement procedure slight defect correction procedures and clear the"great and obvious illegal situations"。 Third,the third man should be given relief measures for the damage caused by the confirmation of invalid or illegal。 Fourth, we should expand the scope of application of administrative litigation。

毕业论文关键词:行政诉讼; 确认判决; 适用范围; 利益平衡

Keyword: administrative litigation;confirmed judgment;application scope;balancing of interest

目    录

一、我国行政诉讼确认判决制度的基本理论 4

(一)行政诉讼确认判决制度的概念 4

1。行政行为合法说 4源-于,优W尔Q论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

2。被诉行政行为确认说 4

(二)行政诉讼确认判决制度的特征 4

1。救济方式的宣世性 4

2。适用上的补充性 5

3。确认结果的非执行性 5

(三)行政诉讼确认判决制度的作用 5

1。有利于保护公民权 5

2。有利于监督行政权 5

3。有利于弥补行政诉讼判决类型的不足 5

二、国外行政确认判决制度的考察 5

(一)英国的宣告令制度 5

1。宣告令的适用范围 6

2。宣告令的适用条件 6

3。宣告令的适用程序 6

(二)美国的确认判决制度 6

1。确认判决的适用范围 6

2。确认判决的适用程序 6

(三)德国的行政确认判决制度 7

1。一般确认之诉作出的确认判决 7

2。续行确认之诉作出的确认判决 7

三、我国行政诉讼确认判决制度的现状分析 7

(一)“国家利益、社会公共利益”与个人利益之平衡问题 7

(二)程序轻微违法无补正程序 论行政诉讼确认判决制度:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_151056.html
