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时间:2022-11-19 22:00来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:藏汉民族关系;团结 ;和谐发展

On the Development of Relations between the Tibetan and the Han Ethnicity in the New Period

Abstract In the primary stage of socialism, the economic development of china is relatively backward。 And thus, to speed up the development and achieve the common prosperity of all ethnic groups, we must rely on the strength of the various ethnic groups。 With the development of the Great West Development Strategy and market economy, the communication between Tibetan and Han nationality is deepening day by day; on the other hand, some new situations and problems have also emerged。 As a mufti-ethnic region, Tibet is the pluralistic society that Tibetan and Han nationality is the main body, but there are differences on culture, religion, language, customs and other aspects。 In view of those, from the perspective of communication and interaction between the Tibetan and Han, this paper studies on the history and current situation of the relationship between the Tibetan and Han nationality in Tibet, understands and grasps the important factors that influence the development of Tibetan and Han ethnic relations in the new period, summarizes the experiences and lessons of Tibetan and Han nationality in the Development communication, and gives some suggestions for promoting the understanding and tolerance of Tibetan and Han and building a harmonious ethnic relationship。

Key words: Tibetan and Han ethnic relations; unite; harmonious development

目  录

0引言 1

1民族关系概述 1

1。1民族与民族关系 1

1。2我国民族关系的历史渊源 2

1。3 我国新型的民族关系 3

2 藏汉民族关系的历史回顾、现状及发展趋势 4

2。1 历史回顾 4

2。2 藏汉民族关系的现状 5

2。3 日常生活中的藏汉民族关系——以拉萨市城关区纳金小区为例 5

2。4 藏汉民族关系的发展趋势 9

3 新时期藏汉民族关系的影响因素 11

3。1 政治因素 11

3。2 经济因素 11

3。3 宗教因素 12

3。4 人口迁移 12

4 构建和谐民族关系的建议 13

4。1 建立良好的民族政治机制 13

4。2 促进各民族经济发展构建和谐民族关系 13

4。3 妥善处理好民族宗教问题 14 新时期藏汉民族关系发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_102209.html
