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时间:2021-04-07 21:16来源:毕业论文
通过对行为人集资之后的资金去向和后期表现等客观行为进行侦查 ,再反过来推定其主观心理的具体意思表现,并且结合行为人产生犯罪故意的时间点,对行为人是否具有非法占有目的

摘 要: 近年来我国集资诈骗案件层出不穷。在司法实践中,集资诈骗罪的成立,尤其是非法占有目的的认定有一些争议。针对相关法律条文,从立法中的几点不足,以及司法中法条适用的困境出发,对集资诈骗罪从非法占有目的的认定提出具体的认定方法。坚持主客观相统一原则与责任zhuyi原则,主要通过对行为人集资之后的资金去向和后期表现等客观行为进行侦查 ,再反过来推定其主观心理的具体意思表现,并且结合行为人产生犯罪故意的时间点,对行为人是否具有非法占有目的作出具体分析,对其是否成立集资诈骗罪进行综合认定。65043


Abstract:Recently, the number of the fund-raising fraud cases is increasing in our country. However, there are some controversy about the establishment of fund-raising fraud ,especially that Whether the purpose of illegal possession is existent. This article lists the several disadvantages of legislation, and some problems in the judicial practice. It proposes some methods to identifying whether the purpose of illegal possession is existent. It needs to adhere the unity of subjective and objective principle and the principle of responsibility. And need to  investigates some objective behavior about where the money had gone and the performance after they have gotten the money, then infer the subjective meaning of the actor. It’s also proposes the method of perpetrators of crime intentionally point in time. The article make a concrete analysis on behavior person whether has the purpose of illegal possession, and comprehensive consideration for the many factors, to come to the conclusion on the question of whether the perpetrator constitutes the Fund-raising fraud.

Keywords:Fund-raising fraud, Illegal possession, connotation, method

目  录

一、前言 4

二、据以研究的案例 4

(一)案情简介 4

(二)案件焦点 5

三、非法占有目的的立法缺陷与法律适用困境 6

(一)立法缺陷 6

(二)法律适用的困境 7

四、集资诈骗罪非法占有目的的界定 9

(一)“非法占有目的”的具体内涵 9

(二)坚持主客观相统一原则 9

(三)遵循责任zhuyi原则 10

结论 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

一、 前言


近年来,非法集资类案件层出不穷,许多企业家认为自己只是投机取巧地向社会公众吸收存款,却不知道自己已在碰触法律的高压线,直至身陷牢狱才恍然大悟。以“集资诈骗罪”为关键字在裁判文书网上进行检索,自2014年1月至2015年5月,有近两千五百条关于集资诈骗罪的相关案例判决和裁定,笔者研读了其中多个典型性的集资诈骗罪案例。得出以下结论,即司法实践中关于集资诈骗罪的认定存在的争议集中在两个方面,第一个是行为人主观上是否具有“以非法占有为目的”的心理状态,第二个是如何认定行为人以非法占有为目的,学者们对此有不同的见解。论文网 集资诈骗中非法占有目的的认定:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_72509.html
