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时间:2021-05-23 11:39来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词 :  超疏水  遗态材料  荷叶效应  接触角67244


Title    The preparation of metal super-hydrophobic surface based on plant leaf template and the study of hydrophobicity    properties      



Water strider is dancing on the water ,Dew of slipped in the  morning,Raindrop is beating on the Lotus leaf,Various Super hydrophobic phenomena are found in the nature with the expansion of the  scientific research field,and introduced to the work of scientific research。With the study of super hydrophobic materials more and more deeply,more and more preparatory method of super hydrophobic materials has been get, and each

of them has its advantages and disadvantages.This experiment based on the lotus effect and puts forward a new method:preparation of super hydrophobic materials by Morph-genetic ; Cu/C surface with high fidelity of the lotus leaf, palm leaf  surface structure is prepared through the solving and sintering .The resulting surface exhibited excellent super hydrophobicity, showing water contact angles (CA) of up to 165° and sliding angles ( SA) of less than 5°.

Keywords:Super hydrophobic   Morph-genetic materials  Lotus effect      Contact angle


1 绪论 1

1.1遗态材料 1

1.2 固体表面的浸润性 2

1.2.1杨氏理论 2

1.2.2 Wenzel理论 2

1.3 植物叶片的超疏水现象及表面特征 3

1.3.1荷叶效应 3

1.3.2 水稻叶 4

1.3.2超疏水材料的制备方法 5

1.3.3超疏水材料研究现状及应用前景 6

1.4 本课题的研究内容及其意义 7

2  实验部分 7

2.1实验材料 7

2.2 实验仪器 7

2.3实验原理 8

2.4实验方案 8

2.5实验分析方法 9

2.5样品制备 9

2.5.1荷叶 9

2.5.2棕叶 9

3样品分析 10

3.1荷叶样品分析 10

3.1.1Cu(No3)2浓度对于荷叶样品的影响 10

3.1.2烧结温度对荷叶样品的影响 11

3.1.3氟硅烷荷叶样品的改性作用及影响 遗态法CU/C植物叶片模板的金属超疏水表面的制备及疏水性能研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_75368.html
