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机械电子工程轧机模型英文文献和翻译 第2页

更新时间:2016-11-5:  来源:毕业论文
L length between stands
τ interstand time delay
τV speed actuator time constant
τS roll gap actuator time constant
UV speed actuator input
US roll gap position actuator input
q  interstand time delay simulation (stands 1,2)
r             interstand time delay simulation (stands 2,3)
d disturbance
d0 fixed disturbance input to controller 
e1 constant, calculated in Appendix 1
e2  constant, calculated in Appendix 1
e3  constant, calculated in Appendix 1
e4  constant, calculated in Appendix 1
M constant, calculated in Appendix 1
N  constant, calculated in Appendix 1
A  state matrix本文来自优$文(论"文`网,毕业论文 www.youerw.com 加7位QQ324~9114找原文
B  input matrix
C  output matrix
Din input disturbance matrix
Dout output disturbance matrix
The tandem rolling of metal and subsequent processing are
complex non-linear multivariable processes with stringent
requirements on the finished product. Various control
strategies (e.g. [2] and [5]) have been developed to address the
problems encountered. Such problems are non-linearities,
inherent coupling between process variables, the effects of
disturbances, uncertainties in modeling (e.g., uncertainty due
to inadequate specification of material properties), and
variations in mill parameters with time and operating
conditions. Design of a mill control strategy requires detailed
complex models of the rolling process, the mill actuators, and
the control system. Implementation of the models and the
coupled controller necessitates extensive computational
capacity for simulation.
However, in various instances access to a detailed model is
unavailable, or computational capabilities are limited. In such
cases, it is considered that an initial evaluation of a control
strategy could be done using a simple model which could be
implemented easily with reduced computational requirements,

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