
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 自动化 >


时间:2024-05-30 22:01来源:95509




Abstract:The monitoring system of the pump station is a monitoring, measurement, control, management and other functions of the integrated automation system. The pumps, valves and other operable equipment are automatically monitored and controlled by the monitoring system of the pump station, which can make the staff monitor and manage the pumping station equipment through the host computer effectively and which can effectively reduce the human error operation, significantly reduce the operator's work intensity, greatly improve the level of modernization of the pump and the level of automation. This paper mainly studies the development process and design method of the upper monitoring system of the pumping station.

This paper first introduces specifically steps of using the InTouch configuration software to develop the monitoring system software, and then discusses how the InTouch configuration software connects with the Microsoft Office Access database through the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) function, and then talks about the process of using Microsoft Visual Basic software to implement data reporting. Finally, this paper introduces the communication method of InTouch configuration software and SLC 500 of PLC series. And the developed monitoring system of the pump station is simulated and debugged to verify whether the host monitoring system developed has achieved the functional requirements of the pump station monitoring system. The development process and design method described in this paper have certain reference value for the research and design of the relevant monitoring system.

Keywords: pump station; host monitoring system; configuration software; database

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3本课题所要做的工作 3

第二章 泵站监控系统总体方案 4

2.1泵站监控系统的功能要求 4

2.1.1软件界面显示要求 4

2.1.2监控功能要求 4

2.1.3管理功能要求 5

2.1.4控制功能要求 5

2.2泵站监控系统的总体方案设计 5

2.3计算机监控软件的介绍及选择 PLC某泵站自动控制系统上位监控系统设计+源程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204078.html
