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时间:2023-11-18 15:38来源:毕业论文



Abstract:After the utility of switch power supply after transformation, Get current or voltage are not real direct current, It has a ripple。 This is because the switch supply power electronics device (such as IGBT tube) work in the switch state, In order to achieve safety standards, the

switch power supply output terminal needs    a  circuit,Switching power  supply of   commonly

used L C filter circuit,Adopt different converter for different structures and combinations, Researchs on single straight shock type switch power supply, for instance,The design of a switching power supply output filter circuit,according to ADS simulation,with the change of instance and capacitance value,The output voltage ripple to minimum,Makes the output voltage closer to the real direct current,Final get the best output ripple of inductance and capacitance of the value。

Keywords:switch power,filter,ADS simulation

1前言 3

2概述 4

2。1课题研究背景及目的 4

2。2国内外研究状况 5

2。3本设计研究的内容及方法 5

3开关电源的原理及输出源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 滤波电路 5

3。1脉宽调制控制器的基本原理 6

3。2单片开关电源的构成与基本原理 8

3。3开关电源输出滤波电路 9

3。4开关方式输出滤波器的寄生效应 10

3。5二级滤波器 10

3。6高频扼流圈实例 11

3。7谐振滤波器 12

3。8谐振滤波器实例 13

3。9共模噪声滤波器 14

3。10输出滤波器的滤波元件选择原则 14

4滤波器元器件的设计、选取与计算 15

4。1滤波器基本要求 15

4。2选择L1的方法 15

4。3正激变换器与反激变换器电感的区别 15

4。4输出电感L设计实例 16

4。5输出电容的计算 17

5滤波器的仿真软件简介 18

5。1ADS软件概要 18

5。2ADS发展历程 ADS开关电源滤波电路设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_198726.html
