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时间:2023-11-13 22:37来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The temperature control system can be said to be omnipresent, water heater system, air conditioning system, refrigerator, electric cooker, electric fans and other appliances as well as high-speed and efficient hand-held computers and electronic equipment are required to provide temperature control。 Therefore, the design of the 51 microcontroller based temperature controller is particularly important。This water temperature controller in the hardware using STC89C51 microcontroller as the control core, the DS18B20 temperature sensor as the temperature detection module, the F3461BH digital tube as the display module。 STC89C51 microcontroller is a low-power microcontroller developed by Atmel, the supply voltage of 4 ~ 6V。 DS18B20 for the United States DALLAS semiconductor company developed the first to support the "1-wire bus" interface temperature sensor with low power consumption, high precision characteristics。 源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

Key words:  Water temperature controller; single chip microcomputer; temperature sensor

目  录

1 绪论 4

1。1 选题的目的和意义 4

1。2 温度检测的设计现状 4

1。3 设计任务的分析 5

2 系统方案选择与分析 6

2。1 系统方案分析 6

2。1。1 主控芯片方案 6

2。1。2 温度检测方案 6

2。1。3 显示模块方案 6

2。2 系统方案选择 7

2。2。1 总体设计框图 7

3 硬件设计 8

3。1 电源电路 8

3。1。1 实物板供电 8

3。2 单片机最小系统 8

3。2。1 单片机简介 8

3。2。2 晶振电路 10

3。2。3 复位电路 10

3。3 温度采集电路 11

3。3。1 DS18B20简介 11

3。3。2 时序说明 11

3。3。3 温度采集电路 13

3。4 数码管显示电路 13

3。4。1 数码管 F3461BH简介 13

3。4。2 数码管 F3461BH的驱动方式 14

3。4。3 数码管 F3461BH的引脚图 14

3。5 蜂鸣器电路 15

3。6 按键电路 STC89C51单片机的水温控制器的设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_198575.html
