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时间:2022-06-16 21:21来源:毕业论文

摘 要:《幽兰逢春》是赵松庭创作于1979年的一首笛子曲。乐曲采自昆曲音调,慢板主题取材于昆曲《二郎神》,快板取材于昆曲过场音乐。在竹笛曲历史上第一次实现了南北派技巧的融合,是竹笛曲中的里程碑。81613



Abstract: 。 Orchid spring "is a song written by Zhao Songting in 1979 the flute music。 The music from opera tones, Adagio themes drawn from the Kunqu Opera "erlangshen" Allegro, drawn from the opera interlude music。 The bamboo flute song the first time in the history of the fusion of north south school skills, is a milepost in bamboo flute。

This article mainly from the bamboo flute song "Orchids in spring" interpretation and performance of two parts to the specific analysis of writing this novel。 First from the author, Mr。 Zhao Songting, personal experience and the historical background of the bamboo flute song creation, Kunqu Opera materials and to the tune of musical form analysis to interpret the bamboo flute song "orchid spring"; followed by pipe musical instrument is the most feature is the song in one of the characteristics of "to analyze the performance of this piece ring breathing techniques, and the North South School of fusion to evidence-based。 Finally, combining the playing skills to analyze the performer in the bamboo flute song emotion, so as to make people more profound understanding of the understanding of bamboo flute song" orchid spring ", and give the player can more perfect interpretation of the characteristics and style of the song。 

Keywords:  Kunqu Opera, orchid spring, creation background, music and art features 


1  引言 3

2  竹笛曲《幽兰逢春》的诠释 3

2。1  创作背景 3

2。2  昆曲的音乐素材 4

2。3  曲式分析 5

3 竹笛曲《幽兰逢春》的演奏 6

3。1  循换换气的运用 7

3。2  南北派技巧的融合 7

3。3  情感处理 8

结 论 9

参考文献 10

致谢 11

1  引言


中国竹笛这一具有千年历史的古老乐器,它以独有的音色、独特的演奏技巧和丰富的表现力在中国名族乐器之林大放异彩。二十世纪七十年代可谓是中国竹笛艺术发展的鼎盛时期,众多的竹笛艺术家脱颖而出,优秀的竹笛作品不断涌现,为中国竹笛艺术的创新和发展做出了卓越的贡献。一部优秀作品的创作取缔于一个时代的文化背景、创作环境及艺术形式特征,从而也就形成了不同作品所具有的感染力与影响力。为缅怀,赵松庭仿照昆曲作曲,来表达对深切的尊敬和怀念之情。论文网 竹笛曲《幽兰逢春》的演奏和诠释:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_95470.html
