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时间:2022-03-07 22:06来源:毕业论文

摘  要:这个世上有一种感情,浓浓的化不开。这个世上有一种人随叫随到,不分时间。贫贱贵富改变不了这种感情,断不了这种联系。我所编创的就是一段表现这样情感的舞蹈,以宋冬野的安和桥为背景音乐,采用现代舞的情感路线和蒙族舞大气磅礴的肢体动作相结合的表现手法为整体框架。故事来源于我本身,舞蹈演员也是由我和我的好兄弟来担当,动作多采用依靠,扶持来表现我们共同经历风雨。整个作品表现出我们嬉笑打闹,有过欢笑也有过纷争,在面对困难和挫折时进退一致。在外每次我有困难的时候,伸手的都是兄弟,没有例外。这份感激感激我无以为报,还不完,补不尽。结尾回到开始的造型,表现出我们之间的友情久经不衰。78711

毕业论文关键词: 兄弟  现代舞  蒙族舞

Abstreact: This world has a kind of feeling, thick does not open。This world have a person on call, regardless of time。Rank your rich can not change this feeling, don't break the connection。I have creative is a dance of this emotion, to song dong wild Ann and bridge as the background music, using modern dance emotional route and Mongolian dance of aka combined technique of expression for the overall framework of body movements。Comes from my own story, a dancer is also taken by my brother and my good to, use rely on more, support to represent our common experience wind and rain。The whole works showed our playfulness, have laughter, also had disputes, in the face of difficulties and setbacks in a consistent。Every time I have a difficult time, hand are brothers, no exceptions。The grateful grateful I no thought report, still not finished, endless。Back to the start to the end of modelling, showed our friendship as well。This world has a kind of feeling, thick does not open。This world have a person on call, regardless of time。Rank your rich can not change this feeling, don't break the connection。I have creative is a dance of this emotion, to song dong wild Ann and bridge as the background music, using modern dance emotional route and Mongolian dance of aka combined technique of expression for the overall framework of body movements。Comes from my own story, a dancer is also taken by my brother and my good to, use rely on more, support to represent our common experience wind and rain。The whole works showed our playfulness, have laughter, also had disputes, in the face of difficulties and setbacks in a consistent。Every time I have a difficult time, hand are brothers, no exceptions。The grateful grateful I no thought report, still not finished, endless。Back to the start to the end of modelling, showed our friendship as well。

目   录

1 前言4

2 内容介绍4

2。1 编创思想4

2。2 音乐选取5

3 动作的编创5

4 辅助工具5

4。1 服装5

4。2 灯光5




1  前言

这是一支发自心灵的故乡恋歌,父辈外出闯荡的经历,编导漂泊在外多年的思乡之情给了他创作的灵感。舞蹈主要表现了兄弟两人外出闯荡,离别故乡和亲人时内心的激烈挣扎。亲情难舍,故土难离,但好男儿志在四方,外面的世界充满着精彩和诱惑。是守护着这片给予他生命和爱抚的土地,还是勇敢地去外面经历风雨,经受磨难,这种内心矛盾的纠葛孕育出了这个双人舞作品。中国有着上下五千年的文化历史,在文化艺术方面早已形成自己独特的形式,加之有着深厚的封建文化思想底蕴的中国,早已形成了定式。对于外来的文化艺术,我们并不是象鲁迅先生说的只顾“拿来”,这里包含着中国人保守的性格因素。虽然有一些先见之明的创新者站在时代的前沿,文献综述甘愿冒险传播外来文化艺术,但是这种与民族艺术不完全相同,甚至有点“新鲜”的外来艺术形式在短期内是不会被我们民族所接纳。造成这种不相融合的局面是由现代舞的特点所决定的,因为现代舞属于前卫艺术,很有创新性,没有烦琐的剧情、布景、音乐,可用不规则或舞者自创的音乐或声音。但没有民族色彩,但具有自由、开放、冒险、求新的特征,追求自我和强调自由等。所以刚开始两种不同的艺术形式没有相互结合,而是抵触。后来由于时代的发展进步、舞蹈工作者的大力弘扬和传播,文化事业逐渐从保守走向了开放,从过去的不融合逐渐走向了融合。这是时代的规律、历史的选择。将蒙族舞和现代舞相结合,以蒙族舞元素为素材,但又突破了传统蒙古族舞蹈的规范性。舞蹈突出了流畅,改变了质感,动中有静,静中有动,洒脱,大气,给人一种情感爆发后的醉意。 兄弟现代舞蒙族舞编导:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_90769.html
