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时间:2021-12-22 16:44来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Is the han folk songs of northern shaanxi region, the main variety of folk songs are basic interests, minor, toasting song, "qin and so on many kinds of 20。 Long-standing history and culture, and a simple bold and the source of many cultural and art is the subject of the folk。 Bamboo flute music with regional culture of northern shaanxi qinchuan lines, customs, as the material, the vivid description for our eight hundred qinchuan in magnificent scenery。 This paper will from the general situation of northern shaanxi folk music, as well as the contact in the qinchuan lines in creation, from the music of the creation background, the affective, technical skills, combined with my XiDi experience to work is analyzed, on the one hand, help them understand matte in composing the qinchuan feelings when combined with northern shaanxi folk music using the technique, enhance our bamboo flute playing skills and music sensibilities, on the other hand with you to understand the rustic, atmosphere, MeiQi northern shaanxi folk music。

Key words: qinchuan lines, Northern shaanxi folk music, Playing skills, bamboo flute, MaDi

目   录

1。前言 4

2。陕北民间音乐概况 4

2。1陕北民间音乐代表作品 5

2。2陕北民间音乐对竹笛在创作中的影响 5

3《秦川抒怀》的艺术特点及演奏技巧 6

3。1创作背景 6

3。2旋律特征 6

3。3 演奏技巧 7

4。陕北民歌在竹笛作品《秦川抒怀》中的运用 9

结  论 11

参 考 文 献 12

致  谢 13




《秦川抒怀》是竹笛界家喻户晓的名曲,是西北笛曲的代表之作。听到这首曲子很多人的脑海里都会联想到“八百里秦川”那壮丽沧桑的画面,以及陕北人民淳朴豪迈的民风。创作这首竹笛曲,表达了马迪先生对八百里秦川的热爱,他用自己博学的音乐知识和精湛演奏技巧通过笛声让祖国各地人民体会到陕北的淳厚朴实豪迈的风情。更记住了这位粗犷奔放如暴雨一般的又不失委婉、内敛如轻风细雨般的笛子演奏家、作曲家——马迪先生。 陕北民间音乐在竹笛创作中的运用《秦川抒怀》:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_86932.html
