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时间:2021-11-14 10:56来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Rub the piano is a full of the legendary ancient musical instrument, he had in the world music culture mysterious disappeared for many years, after in the organization of national intangible cultural heritage census returned to the public eye, is recognized as China pull string "living fossil"。 Rub the piano the earliest record in the Shang Dynasty oracle "and" inscriptions on ancient bronze objects ", and has maintained a living state tradition art, this instrument makes the Chinese about 1500 years earlier than the Western Latin stringed instrument development, in China and even the world stringed instrument in the history of the development is significant。 Through the provincial intangible cultural heritage Qingzhou rub piano only inheritor Xing Tang Zhao old Mr。 interviews, to rub the piano under the environment of survival and development of in-depth exploration, and puts forward some feasible suggestions for the reform and progress in contemporary society。 This paper mainly from the two aspects of the development and inheritance of the piano and the reform and development of the piano。

Keywords:QingzhouRub the piano, Qingzhou, the ancient culture of the house, the skills of inheritance, the plight of survival, reform and development

目  录 

1  前言  3

2  青州挫琴的产生 3

2。1  青州挫琴与筑的渊源  3

2。2  挫琴的艺术特征  3

2。3  挫琴的产生与存在的意 4


3。1挫琴的发展与演变 4

3。2挫琴的发展现状  5

3。2。1 存在的问题 5

3。2。2出现问题原因剖析 5

3。3 挫琴的保护和发展   6

3。3。1挫琴自身的改革与创新 6 

3。3。2外界力量对挫琴传承的影响 7

结论 8


致谢  10

1 前言


挫琴是一种流传于中国古代的,形制特殊的汉族拉弦乐器。挫琴的音质,低音区粗狂浑厚,且略带沙音;中音区柔美恬静,含蓄典雅;高音区清脆婉转,清丽悦耳。尤其是在做拉弦演奏时,声音格外洪亮,是十分具有民族特色的弦乐器。4000年以来,挫琴艺术以它独特的魅力传承至今,虽然在上世纪30-40年代沉寂些许,但后经几代传承艺术家的不懈努力,终于使这个看似遥远又神秘的古乐器重回众人的视线。如今,在青州市的古城区,声声悠扬古朴的琴声又回荡在亭台楼阁间,为这个古老的城市增添了一份既传奇又典雅的色彩。 青州挫琴发展与探究中国拉弦乐器活化石:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_84925.html
