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时间:2021-11-07 21:15来源:毕业论文



Abstract:With the development of economy and society, a large amount of migrant workers from rural areas move to city。 Due to constraint, children of migrant workers cannot follow their parents and they have to be left behind in countryside。 That kind of children form a special group, which is called children left behind。 Lacking of parental affection heavily influence psychological health of children left behind。 Thus, psychological health development for children left behind is an issue that is worth to be researched。 Since education plays a significant role in children’s growth, it is meaningful to introducing quality-oriented education to psychological health development for children left behind。 Music education, as an important part of quality-oriented education, will make an impact on psychological health development for children left behind。 During teaching in countryside, the author conducted a research of psychological health development for children left behind。 Based on the teaching practice, the author analyzed the influence, which music education brings to psychological health of children left behind, and drew the conclusion that music education plays an important role in psychological health development for children left behind。   

Keywords:Music education, children left behind, psychological health

目 录

1前言 3

2我国农村留守儿童的心理状况 3

2。1农村留守儿童定义及其特点 3

2。2家庭结构和留守经历对留守儿童的影响 4

3 音乐教育对留守儿童心理健康发展的重要性 5

3。1音乐教育可以调节儿童的情绪 5

3。2音乐教育可以促进留守儿童的情感表达 5

3。3音乐教育可以让留守儿童提升道德观 6

4。对农村留守儿童的音乐教育的建议 7

4。1加强农村的音乐师资队伍建设 7

4。2学校完善音乐设备的基础设施建设 7

4。3开展丰富多彩的音乐实践活动 8

结  论 9

参 考 文 献 10

致  谢: 11


音乐教育是通过音乐产生的旋律,在潜移默化中影响了孩子心理健康的发展。而音乐教育是通过音乐进行的一种审美教育。“它的根本目的在于以情感人,以美育人,让儿童在感受音乐之美的过程中形成一种健康的心理状态、积极乐观的性格、独立优雅的惊气质。”川美国心理学家马斯洛也认为:“人需要发展并运用他们所具有的才赋,以便自己发展并达到自我实现—这就是精神健康。”1如果留守儿童在音乐教育的过程中能够充分地运用他们所具有的享赋实现自我的愿望,在音乐活动中获得充分的成就感和满足感,对儿童的心理健康就能产生积极的的作用。本文通过笔者根据在淮安市淮阴区渔钩镇中心小学支教情况,通过观察法,交谈法等方法,结合在音乐教学中的实际经历,通过近几年发表的各类文献来分析音乐教育对农村留守儿童心理健康的影响,分析结果显示健康的心理状态对留守儿童的成长起着十分重要的作用。论文网 音乐教育对农村留守儿童心理健康发展的影响:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_84451.html
