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时间:2021-10-30 10:06来源:毕业论文
古筝协奏曲《云裳诉》是当代陕西筝曲 的代表曲目,极富古典意蕴和地方风格,取材于唐代玄宗和杨贵妃的创奇爱情故事,运用了陕西民间音乐的素材,在调性、旋律、节拍等方面都体

摘  要:筝,产生于两千多年前中国古代的秦地(今陕西),被称为“秦筝”。1957年在大批秦筝工作者的努力下,秦筝得到了复习,如今,陕西筝派已成为筝界一支颇有影响并极富个性的流派,创作了大量优秀的陕西筝曲。古筝协奏曲《云裳诉》是当代陕西筝曲 的代表曲目,极富古典意蕴和地方风格,取材于唐代玄宗和杨贵妃的创奇爱情故事,运用了陕西民间音乐的素材,在调性、旋律、节拍等方面都体现了碗碗腔音乐的特点,结构上与唐大曲结构呼应:同时乐曲运用了现代创作手法和演奏形式,体现了时代气息,在表演上富有戏剧性的情感,使得演奏更具感染力。只有深入人心的音乐才是真正的好音乐,只有将音乐演奏之技巧、音色、气韵、情感把握到位,音乐演奏才能达到一定的艺术境地。本文以陕西风格古筝协奏曲《云裳诉》为例,论述古筝之演奏技巧、乐感、气韵、情感把握。73564

毕业论文关键词: 技巧,气韵,情感,音色

Abstract:Zheng, produce more than two thousand years ago (now shaanxi) of the qin dynasty in ancient China, known as "qin zheng"。 In large Numbers of workers under the efforts of qin zheng, in 1957, got the review, qin zheng, now, shaanxi zheng sent industry has become a zheng, an influential and extremely rich inpidual character of genre, created a great number of outstanding shanxi koto music。 Guzheng concerto "the cloud type v" is the representative of contemporary shaanxi zheng music tracks, extremely rich classical meaning and local style, originated from tang dynasty and Yang xuanzong spent the tranche of love story, using the material of shaanxi folk music, in the aspects of tonality, melody, rhythm reflected WanWanQiang music characteristic, structure and echo of tang daqu structure: at the same time, using the modern technique and performance form, embodies the modern, on the performance of dramatic emotion, make it more appealing。 Only music is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people is really good music, only music playing skills, timbre, artistically, emotional hold in place, music performance to achieve a certain artistic situation。 Taking shaanxi style guzheng concerto "cloud type v" as an example, discusses the guzheng performance skills, music, artistically, emotion。 

Keywords:Skill, style, emotion, tone 

目   录

1  绪论3

2  创作背景4

3  乐曲赏析4

4  演奏技巧5

4。1  左手按颤音5

4。2  左手滑音5

4。3  托劈技巧6

4。4  右手拇指摇6

4。5  双托技巧6

5  对《云裳诉》的演奏把握6

5。1  演奏技巧把握6

5。2  演奏音色把握7

5。3  演奏气韵把握7

5。4  演奏情感把握8

结论 9参考文献10

致谢 11

1  绪论


 《云裳诉》是周煜国在2002年创作的一首古筝协奏曲。乐曲是在其早年创作的古筝曲《乡韵》旋律基础之上改编扩展而成,加以钢琴协奏,赋予了作品全新的意义。该曲以白居易的诗歌《长恨歌》为素材创作而成.曲名取自诗句“云想衣裳花想容”,描写了杨贵妃与唐玄宗之间的流传百世的爱情故事,在从文化底蕴、旋律发展和技巧性上,都有着较强的艺术性,深入人心,将传统秦筝筝曲的古朴和现代筝曲的旋律性谐和的融为一体,浑然天成。 古筝协奏曲《云裳诉》的演奏技巧及演奏把握:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_83950.html
