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时间:2021-10-20 21:26来源:毕业论文

摘  要:淮海戏,作为江苏省当代主要的地方戏曲之一,具有浓郁的地方特色,丰富的民间色彩以及独特的艺术价值。淮海戏可以说是经历了漫长的历史沉淀,长足发展。但是随着各种多元经济文化的兴起,尤其是西方文化的冲击,传统戏剧文化包括淮海戏在内都不可避免地陷入了低潮!73121


毕业论文关键词:苏北, 淮海戏, 生存现状, 传承, 创新发展 

Abstract: Huaihai opera, as one of the Jiangsu Province major contemporary local opera, with strong local characteristics, rich folk color and unique artistic value。 Huaihai opera can be said to have experienced a long history of precipitation, rapid development。 But with the rise of a variety of economy and culture, especially the impact of the western culture, the culture of traditional drama including Huaihai opera, are inevitably in the doldrums。 In the rapid development of economy and culture in modern society seems to in people's lives, Huaihai Opera no prior active event, people's field of vision in life had little contact with to Huaihai Opera, which have caused people to ponder: Huaihai Opera now how to develop? How the survival status of Huaihai opera and theater troupe, the operation situation is what?。。。。。。 The simple back the historical development of the North Jiangsu Huaian region Huaihai Opera, focuses on investigation and analysis of the living conditions of Huaihai opera, to investigate the current situation as the breakthrough point, analysis the reason resulted in the status quo, summarize Huaihai Opera in suggestions for the development of modern society, draw the conclusion。

Keywods:Subei, huai hai opera, survival status, inheritance, innovation and development

目   录

1 绪论3

2 淮海戏的历史发展4

2。1 淮海戏的起源与发展4

2。2 淮海戏在逆境中成长5

2。3 淮海戏发展陷落低谷6

3 淮海戏的发展现状与剧团现状6

3。1 淮海戏的发展机遇6

3。2 淮海戏剧团的建设6

3。3 淮海戏面临的问题7

4 淮海戏的现状问题的分析8

4。1 传承演员的问题8

4。2 观众群体的问题8

4。3 创新剧目的问题9

4。4 经济支持的问题9

4。5 设施设备的问题9

5 改良现状应采取的措施9

5。1 培养传承人才10

5。2 培养观众群体10

5。3 剧目的创新10

5。4 经济的支持11

5。5 教育利于发展11




1  绪论


淮海戏,距今已有两百七十六年的历史。对于淮海戏的起源,说法不一,约有三种起源说。至今已经无法考证。淮海戏,俗称“淮海小戏”、“三刮调”、“肘鼓子”、“拉魂腔”等。淮海小戏与柳琴戏、泗州戏同出一源,其源即"拉魂腔",拉魂腔之名是因声腔优美、旋律动听,与观众心灵产生共鸣,人们出于对该腔的喜爱,故称之为拉魂腔。因以板制三弦为主要伴奏乐器,所以又称之为“三刮调”。 苏北淮海戏的生存状况调查分析:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_83277.html
