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时间:2020-10-20 21:17来源:毕业论文

摘  要:声乐是一门集音乐、歌唱语言、肢体动作等于一体的综合性艺术。优美动听的歌声来自于歌唱的整体配合与协调的运用。音乐界的哈佛——茱莉亚音乐学院,专门开设了一门课程叫形体训练课,这里所说的形体训练不单单是像舞蹈课那样对身形和舞姿的追求,更是声乐教学课上非常重要的一门训练课程,不仅能帮助解决身体协调性的问题,还能专门锻炼相关肌肉群的灵活性以及其整体配合的问题。古今中外的声乐教育家、歌唱家无一不认为:呼吸是歌唱的生命、动力和基础。歌唱的本是呼吸,运动的本也是呼吸,身体协调性好坏不仅能检验呼吸能力,更是运动能力的直接体现。无论是歌唱还是运动,都要讲究有节奏的呼吸,所谓协调不仅仅是肢体动作的协调,更是肢体与呼吸在节奏里的协调。可见,通过形体训练对更好的歌唱有很大的帮助。58350


Abstract:Vocal music is a collection of music, singing language, body movement is a comprehensive art.Sounds beautiful song from the singing of the use of the overall cooperation and coordination. Harvard in the music world, Julia music college, specially opened a course called physique training, training not only here is like a dance class pursuit of physique and dance, but also on the vocal music lesson is very important a training course, can not only help solve the problem of physical coordination, can also special exercise flexibility of the muscle group and its overall coordination of related problems. Vocal music educator, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign singers all think: respiration is the life of singing, power and foundation. Singing is breathing, the movement and breathing, body coordination is good or bad can not only test the breath ability, but also the direct embodiment of athletic ability. Both in singing and sports, to emphasize rhythmic breathing, so-called coordination is not only body movement coordination, but also the coordination of body and breathing in rhythm. Visible, through physical training is of great help to better singing. 

Keywords: physical exercises and relax,muscles,breathing,coordination

1  前言 5

2  肢体训练在声乐教学中的重要性…5

2.1  肢体训练有助于身体放松…5

2.2  肢体训练有助于形体协调 改善呼吸…6

2.3  肢体训练有助于强化相关肌肉群6

3  声乐教学过程中如何进行肢体训练7




 1 前言

歌唱离不开呼吸,呼吸离不开运动,运动离不开协调。目前被国内外广泛采用并推崇的胸腹式联合呼吸法就是强调呼吸肌肉群和膈肌的积极配合,做放松合理的运动。可见,歌唱的本是呼吸,运动的本也是呼吸,身体协调性好坏不仅能检验呼吸能力,更是运动能力的直接体现。声乐实践中,有许多因素能够支配和完善人的声音,优美动听的歌声来自于歌唱的整体配合与协调的运用,想要在声乐教学中获得良好的整体配合与协调性,必须通过长期有效的肢体训练对相关肌肉群进行强化与协调。无论是歌唱还是运动,都要讲究有节奏的呼吸,所谓协调不仅仅是肢体动作的协调,更是肢体与呼吸在节奏里的协调。提到形体课,大家都不陌生,它是对学生进行形体艺术教育的课程。它集体育、舞蹈、音乐、美育为一体,旨在改变和纠正不良的身体姿态和体态,提高节奏感和协调能力。[1]世界著名的茱莉亚音乐学院,为音乐学生专门开设的形体课,不仅训练学生的身形与舞姿,更侧重于锻炼音乐学生的呼吸肌肉群以及各方面的协调性。 肢体训练在声乐教学中的重要性及其训练方法:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_63257.html
