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时间:2020-09-01 17:44来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Nowadays, more and more parents realize that, the important role that the music for the physical and mental development of the children to the children; and because of the young age, and in the absence of what music basic circumstances, direct to learn the piano and other musical instruments is not suitable, and easy to give up halfway. Because learning instruments must have practiced the tedious, and the children of poor self-control attention easy to disperse, easy to lose interest in the boring exercises. Make music enlightenment teaching children, can not only cultivate children's good feeling and interest in music, but also to learn to lay a good foundation for children's future musical instruments. So to find a suitable for children's nature, also play music teaching method is also learning is very important. "Orff music teaching method" is the world famous music education system in the music of the "original" and the importance of enlightenment teaching music. And this paper is to describe, is to explore in the children's music teaching how to be "Orff music teaching method" to the use of flexible.

Keywords:Children's music teaching,"Orff music teaching method", art training

目 录

1前言 4

2儿童的心理特征和学习特点分析 4

3 “奥尔夫音乐教学法”简介及其特点简述  4

4 “奥尔夫音乐教学法”在儿童音乐启蒙教学中的应用  5

4.1 “语言朗读法”在儿童音乐启蒙教学中的应用  5

4.2 “体态律动法”在儿童音乐启蒙教学中的应用  6

4.3 “奥尔夫乐器”在儿童音乐启蒙教学中的应用  8

4.4 “耳朵灵敏度训练法”在儿童音乐启蒙教学中的应用  8

结论  9

参考文献  10

致谢 11

1 前言

当今,物质文明的发展带动了精神文化的发展。而现在的家庭大多数都是独生子女,家长们为了让家里的宝贝们得到良好的成长,而更加注重孩子的启蒙教育,包括文化上的,艺术上的和智力上的。音乐作为一门具有很高实用性和启发性的艺术,既能培养孩子的兴趣也能开发孩子的智力,得到了很多家长的青睐。而钢琴等乐器由于孩子的年龄问题,其实并不适合没有任何音乐基础的孩子来直接学习。通过对淮安市淮阴区随机100名家长的问卷调查发现,12岁以下的儿童中有近64%学过或者正在学习乐器,但是却有近50%的儿童学过但是没有坚持下来,在没有坚持学下来的原因中,儿童失去兴趣厌学占到85%。这就直接说明了填鸭式的音乐教育方式,只会抹杀孩子们对音乐学习的兴趣。我大学期间利用课余时间做了音乐启蒙培训中心的兼职老师,学生以儿童为主,我发现只有用引导为主的教学思路,开发儿童对音乐产生“原本性”的本能的兴趣才是儿童学好音乐学的正确途径。而通过“音乐教学法”专业课程的学习,我对其中“奥尔夫音乐教学法”产生了浓厚兴趣,并且一直不断学习“奥尔夫音乐教学法”探究其在儿童音乐启蒙教学中的应用。 “奥尔夫音乐教学法”在儿童音乐启蒙教学中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_59688.html
