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时间:2020-08-19 16:33来源:毕业论文

摘  要:艺术歌曲是一种表现形式,作为一种由欧洲传入中国的一种特殊的声乐艺术形式,由于具有相对应的创作特征和表现手法,以及突出的专有的重诗情表现音乐风格和严谨的结构。从1920年至今,我国艺术歌曲经历了长期的蛰伏创作和探索创新之路,以徐沛东为代表的我国新时期乐坛著名作曲家。自上世纪八十年代至今,创作了大量不同题材和风格的艺术歌曲,以他为代表的艺术家所创作出来的作品,不仅很好的借鉴西方作曲手法,而且很好的把西方音乐融入中国文化领域,同时能充分表现民族情。作为音乐领域的代表,徐沛东等艺术家给我们带来的不仅仅是听觉上的享受,而且带来的是精神上的鼓舞,同时又带来那个年代独有的时代气息,促进了中国音乐文化及教育事业的繁荣与发展,为艺术歌曲的发展掀开了新篇章。54419


Abstract: Art song is a stylistic manifestation of songs. Art song is a vocal music style which was introduced from Europe. It has its own creative measures, specific manifestation methods, a music style of valuing poetic expression structure. Music and poems are integrated in art songs. Art song lyric is poems, and it uses music is to express the feeling and visions of the poem .The creation of art songs started from 1920 in China and developed to various degrees at different periods. It gained unprecedented prosperous in modern period.

  Xu Peidong in our new era is one of the famous composers. Since the late 80s of last century has created a number of different themes and style of art songs. Not only learn from and draw on the Western compositional techniques, but also fully highlight the beauty of character and national characteristics. To be people spiritual food abundance, reflects the spirit of the times, singings the melody of the new period, and to promote the Chinese music culture and education to the prosperity and development, the creation of art song opened spans the entire new chapter.

Key words: art song, Xu Peidong, national characteristic 

目  录

1 引言 4

2 徐沛东艺术歌曲的民族情 4

2.1 民族性里的民族情 4

2.2时代性下的民族情 5

2.3 多元性中的民族情 6

3 徐沛东艺术歌曲创作的意义与价值 7

3.1 徐沛东艺术歌曲对声乐训练的帮助及了解民族情 7

3.2 徐沛东艺术歌曲对文化素养的提高及培养民族情 8

3.3徐沛东艺术歌曲对价值理念的引导及深化民族情 9

结  论 10

致  谢 11

参考文献 12

1 引言


国内外有关徐沛东等作曲家的艺术歌曲研究的全面总结和分析的文献资料较少,大多是对他们生平、荣誉奖项和一些社会活动的简要评论,对于实用性较强的民族创作影响的追溯相对比较薄弱。因此,作为一名音乐学专业的师范本科生,通过对徐沛东艺术歌曲民族情的研究,更好地为以后的学习和工作打好基础。 浅谈徐沛东艺术歌曲的民族情:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_58634.html
