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时间:2020-05-28 17:55来源:毕业论文



Harmonious dance classroom atmosphere——Dance teacher in the classroom several problems should be paid attention to

Abstract dance art as our country to carry out quality education is the main mode of, teachers as the major teaching guide, in dance teaching should to create a harmonious classroom atmosphere and to improve the efficiency and quality of classroom teaching. Based on this, the necessity of this paper to create a dance classroom atmosphere is the starting point of this study, from the teaching language in classroom, students interested in excitation and adjust measures to local conditions teaching mode three aspects of teachers in the dance classroom atmosphere in the need to pay attention to some problems of research and analysis. I hope that through this study to conclude how to improve teachers' in the dance class to guide and organizational skills to enhance the and thus to more scientific and reasonable teaching methods to improve the smooth construction of the quality of classroom teaching and the harmonious teaching atmosphere.

Keywords: harmonious dance classroom atmosphere  teaching language  interest  teaching

 目  录


Abstract II

目录 III

一、和谐课堂氛围创建的必要性 1

(一)符合以人为本的教学理念 1

(二)有利于激发学生的学习兴趣 1

(三)是培养学生创造力的良好渠道 1

二、教学语言在和谐舞蹈课堂中的运用 2

(一)巧妙的交流与真挚的言语的融合 2

三、以兴趣为主导,营造和谐课堂氛围 3

四、合理运用教学方法,以宽松教学氛围引导学生健康发展 4

参考文献 7

一  和谐课堂氛围创建的必要性



和谐的课堂教学氛围是新课改下以人为本教学原则的重要体现,同时也是课堂创新教学模式的重要基础。和谐课堂教学氛围的营造,有利于教师教学工作开展以及教学人物的顺利完成。 和谐的舞蹈课堂气氛舞蹈教师在课堂中应注意几个问题:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_53046.html
