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时间:2019-12-24 18:49来源:毕业论文



Shandong Weifang local Operas        - Evolution and Development of Mao Qiang

Abstract  Maoqiang is a kind of traditional local dialect opera, which is popular in Weifang and other districts and developed from Shandong popular tunes, such as Guniangqiang and Zhouguzi. Maoqiang has undergone historical changes of more than 200 years, since it came into being in Jiaqing and Xianfeng of Qing dynasty. It had ever enjoyed a prime development period from 1949 to 1963; however, nowadays Maoqiang is facing a very adverse development situation. The current Maoqiang resembles the Quatrains of Han people in its aria and lines; it is performed in a chorus of dialect and melody; it has an artistic feature of long moistening voice in its postlude and diphonia moistening vioce in its onset. In the future, the artistic development of Maoqiang can be promoted by simplifying its local dialect, beautifying its tune and adding some grace notes to its melody. Moreover, Maoqiang can be inherited and preserved by registering the music scores and recording the materials related and advertising it via mass media and the Internet.

Key Words:  Maoqiang  Weifang  Artistic features  Development  Protection


摘  要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

前  言 1

一 山东潍坊地方剧种茂腔的历史演进历程 1

(一)茂腔的产生流变与解放前的演进 1

(二)新中国历史时期内茂腔的演变表现 2

二 当代地方剧种茂腔的艺术特征 2

(一)剧目情况与唱段句式 2

(二)方言唱词与板体旋律的融合 3

(三)歌唱技巧与腔调 4

三 茂腔的未来可行发展方式 5

(一)对方言的简化 5

(二)对旋律的美化 5

(三)对于装饰音应用和歌唱难度的思考 6

四 茂腔的保护措施 6

(一)茂腔资料的整理与保护 6

(二)新媒体时代信息化保护式推广思路 7

参考文献 8

 前 言流传于山东潍坊及周边地区的汉民族戏种茂腔,最早从本地小调“姑娘腔”及“肘鼓子”中发展而来。茂腔发展至今已经历了两百多年的历史流变,由于表现出浓厚的当地方言特征和汉民族群众生活气息,且长期以来受到潍坊等地戏曲观众的喜爱,因此茂腔在近百年中被冠以“胶东之花”的美名。但在21世纪历史时期内,我国各地的地方戏种都在发展中面临着严峻挑战,只有分析地方剧种的发展演进、艺术特征,解读地方剧种的未来发展保护方式,包括茂腔在内的本土剧种才能在未来通过改良继续流传下去。本论文是对茂腔发展演进、艺术特征及未来可行发展方式、保护方式的解读,能帮助学生学习戏曲音乐,从而对茂腔戏曲艺术产生更深入地了解。 山东潍坊地方剧种茂腔的演进与发展:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_44088.html
