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时间:2022-08-24 22:52来源:英语论文
An Analysis of Sophie’s Tragic Fate in Sophie’s Choice,英语论文《苏菲的选择》中苏菲的悲剧命运

摘 要《苏菲的选择》是美国著名小说家威廉·斯泰伦的作品,是一部揭露纳粹大屠杀罪恶的文学作品,具有极高的思想价值。本文将分析这一小说并主要从父权压迫和战争摧残以及身份认同等三个角度分析苏菲的悲剧命运。本文将首先介绍威廉·斯泰伦的生平以及《苏菲的选择》的主要内容。进而揭露父权制社会中,苏菲的父亲和纳粹军官霍斯以及情人内森对她的控制;其次将分析战争给苏菲带来的生存危机以及精神危机。第三部分将从苏菲的多重身份入手,身份认同的冲突导致苏菲精神崩溃。最后总结在父权压迫,战争摧残以及身份认同危机的共同作用下,苏菲的挣扎与抗争注定是失败的。苏菲的悲剧不仅是其个人的悲剧也是社会的悲剧。本文希望通过研究苏菲个人的悲剧命运,警示人们珍惜现在的和平,指引人们的幸福生活。83432


Abstract Sophie’s Choice, the novel written by American famous novelist William Styron, exposes the evil of Holocaust。 This paper would study the tragic fate of Sophie the heroine of the novel by analyzing the novel from the perspectives of the oppression of patriarchal society, the devastation of war and the complex identities of Sophie。 Firstly, this paper would introduce William Styron’s lifetime and the main content of this novel。 Secondly, it would describe the influences of her father and her Nazi officer Hoss and the lover Nathan。 Thirdly, the survival crisis and spiritual crisis of Sophie in the devastation of war would be analyzed。 What’s more, it is the conflict of identity that results in the spiritual collapse of Sophie。 Lastly, it would be concluded that Sophie’s struggle and resistance are doomed to failure under the circumstance of the oppression of patriarchal society, the devastation of war and multiple identities。 Sophie’s tragic fate is not only her personal tragedy but also a social tragedy。 By analyzing Sophie’s tragedy, this paper would remind the reader of  the value of world peace and guide them a happy life 。

Key words: patriarchy; war; multiple identities; Sophie’s Choice 

An Analysis of Sophie’s Tragic Fate in Sophie’s Choice


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

Ⅰ。Introduction 1

Ⅱ。 A House Angel in Patriarchal Society 2

2。1 Brought up as a Servant 2

2。2 Being a Sexual Slave 4

2。3 A Necessary Ornament 5

Ⅲ。 The Devastation of War 6

3。1 Survival Crisis 6

3。2 Spiritual Crisis 8

Ⅳ。The Dilemma of Multiple Identities 9

4。1 Daughter and mother 9

4。2 Wife and lover 10

Ⅴ。 Conclusion 11

Bibliograghy 13

Acknowledgements 14


As a successful and prolific novelist, William Styron has a high position in the United States literary world。 The novel Sophie’s Choice which is one of his masterpieces and regarded as a typical work of Holocaust, was published in1979, and has won a place on literature field for its author William Styron and then became the best-selling book at that time。文献综述 《苏菲的选择》中苏菲的悲剧命运:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_98375.html
