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时间:2022-02-26 22:56来源:英语论文
Fuzzy Beauty of Translation of Tang Poetry Based on Equivalence Theory,英语论文从翻译等值理论探讨唐诗英译中的模糊美

Abstract Tang poetry attracts readers in the  whole  world  by possessing perfect style, gorgeous rhyme, concise context and mysterious image。 It is undoubted that Tang Poetry is the most beautiful and an indispensable part of Chinese literature。 For hundreds of  years,  much  attention  has been paid to the study Tang poetry and its English translation to appreciate that kind of fuzzy beauty。 Since A。F Taylor in the eighteenth century firstly proposed the equivalence theory, the theory has arose heated discuss and has got much more completed development。 And now equivalence has been treated as a necessary condition in the course of translation。 78327

This thesis is composed of six parts。

The first part is the general introduction of the whole thesis。 Part two is about the Equivalence Theory: the definition, the origin, the development of the Equivalence Theory, the fuzzy equivalence and the reason for applying Equivalence Theory in this thesis。 Part Three is about some relevant theories on Fuzzy Aesthetics like the fuzzy beauty, the establishment, the definition, the characteristics of the Fuzzy Aesthetics。 Part Four begins with a concise introduction of Tang poetry, and then is the causes of fuzziness in Tang poetry。 In Part Five, there is appreciation of fuzzy beauty on the basis of how to appreciate the fuzzy beauty in Tang poems with selected poetry mainly from three aspects: fuzzy poetic style beauty, fuzzy poetic contents beauty, fuzzy poetic poetry。 And the author also extend some wishes in the last point of this part,  hoping  her  effort  can  be  of  any  positive  consequences  in      the

cultural exchange。 The next part is a conclusion。 In this part the author makes a summary of the whole thesis, the findings and shortcomings。 The author wish the thesis could be of any positive effects to someone who is in appreciating or translating Tang Poetry so that a more convenient bridge could be built。

Keywords: Equivalence Theory; Tang Poems; Fuzzy beauty


摘要唐诗以其规整的格律、对称的韵律,简洁的内容和丰富迷离的诗歌意象吸 引着全世界的读者。毫无疑问,唐诗是中国文化典籍中最光辉灿烂、不可或缺 的一部分。千百年来,无数心血付诸于探寻唐诗的模糊美中,从未间断。自亚 历山大·F·泰特勒在十八世纪首次提出翻译等值理论后,翻译等值理论在翻 译界引起热烈的讨论,并不断发展,逐步形成了完善的理论。而如今,翻译等 值理念已经被认为是翻译过程中必不可少的一部分。

本文包括六个部分。第一部分是基于整篇文章的介绍。第二部分分别介绍 了翻译等值理论的定义、起源、发展,同时对模糊对等以及把翻译等值理论作 为本文的理论指导的原因作了一个简要说明。文章的第三部分介绍了和模糊美 学相关的理论:模糊美、模糊美学的建立、模糊美学的定义以及模糊美学的特 点。文章的第四部分以唐诗的简介作为开端,进而介绍了引起唐诗模糊的成因。 文章的第五部分精选唐诗范例以赏析唐诗的方式为着眼点,从诗歌格律、诗歌 内容、诗歌意象的模糊美入手,欣赏诗歌中朦胧模糊的美感。此外,作者在本 章的最后一节里也表达了作者对唐诗读者和译者的一些愿望。文章的最后一部 分是对本文的文章内容和不足之处的总结。希望对唐诗的读者和译者可以产生 些许积极作用,为中外读者构建起更好的文化桥梁。



Abstract in English IV

Abstract in Chinese VI
