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时间:2021-12-10 22:00来源:英语论文
The Exploration of Robinson’s Drifting And Returning from Religious Perspective,英语论文《鲁滨逊漂流记》从宗教角度探索鲁滨逊的漂流与回归

Abstract The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, marking the beginning of realistic novel as a literary genre, tells us a story that the character Robinson’s life experience mainly in an isolated island。 Scholars have studied it from a variety of perspectives including colonialism and post-colonialism, image analysis, religion, ecocriticism etc。 It’s clear that Defoe's religious view, as an underlying factor, influences deeply on the main character’s drifting and returning of the story。 That is to say, Robinson’s drifting as well as returning indicates Christian’s two vital motifs: fall and redemption。 So this thesis will focus on Robinson’s drifting and returning out of the religious view。 75382

Through this study, readers will obtain at least two aspects of inspiration。 First, it’s necessary for a reader to catch the author’s original intention on the novel creating especially the one who has the religious background。 Second, when a reader tries to analyze a novel out of Christian’s view, he has to seize two crucial and eternal themes: fall and redemption。 In addition, it also can be a way for someone who wants to know Christianity to read and analyze some related novels。 Comparing some images in Holy Bible with Robinson’s drifting and returning, this thesis finds that drifting and returning of the main character conveys religious meaning。 Drifting symbolizes human’s fall and the state after falling, while returning symbolizes human’s being redeemed。。

Keywords: the Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, drifting, returning, religious view


摘  要《鲁滨逊漂流记》被视为现实zhuyi小说成为一种文学体裁的里程碑,主要讲述了主人公鲁滨逊在孤岛上的生活经历。许多学者从不同角度去分析这部小说,其中包括殖民zhuyi与后殖民zhuyi,形象分析,宗教,生态学等等。透过笛福的这部小说,我们会发现他的宗教观,作为一种潜在因素,深深影响着主人公在故事中的漂流与回归。也就是说,鲁滨逊的漂流和回归暗示着基督教中两个至关重要的主题:堕落与救赎。因此,这篇论文将从宗教角度分析鲁滨逊的漂流与回归。





1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Brief Introduction of Daniel Defoe 1

1。1。1 Defoe's View on Religion and Its Formation 1

1。1。2 Defoe’s Religious View Embodied in the Novel 1

1。2 Significance of This Study 2

1。3 Structure of This Study 2

2。 Literature Review 3

2。1 Researches of the Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 《鲁滨逊漂流记》从宗教角度探索鲁滨逊的漂流与回归:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_86157.html
