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时间:2021-09-22 19:48来源:英语论文
As far as I am concerned, Hawthornes standpoints of female and feminism were various in his different ages。 The women images in his works varied from being subordinated like Ms。 Wakefield to strug

As far as I am concerned, Hawthorne’s standpoints of female and feminism were various in his different ages。 The women images in his works varied from being subordinated like Ms。 Wakefield to struggling violently for freedom and independence。 However, based on my own interpretation, I prefer to give my vote to the view that his stand for feminism was ambiguous。 And this outstanding literature shows his contradictions, at least in The Scarlet Letter。 And in the following pieces, I will analyze Hawhtorne’s contradictory thoughts for feminism from the pespective of Pearl。 

2。 Pearl’s beautiful name and brilliant beauty

Pearl, from ancient times, is considered as a valuable thing, which symbolizes purity, nobleness and health。 However, the girl called “Pearl” is not the same as and even has little in common with “Pearl” in Bible according to Hester。 No doubt is she of unexpected beauty and intelligence, which other girls and even boys can never achieve。 And through Hawthorne’s description of such a kind of extraordinary beauty and intelligence, his contradictory attitudes toward female becomes clear to me。 
