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时间:2017-05-22 22:08来源:英语论文
The classifications of schema mean a lot to the translation. It provides four basic thinking points to translator. For example, in consideration of language schema, Bathing Beauty can be translated in

The classifications of schema mean a lot to the translation. It provides four basic thinking points to translator. For example, in consideration of language schema, “Bathing Beauty” can be translated into “浴美人”, but with a view to culture schema, “出水芙蓉” is more acceptable. “American Beauty” 月月红 has been translated into “美国丽人” or “美国美人”, but in fact they are all wrong. If it is translated into “美国丽人”, the viewer may think about an American woman who is very beautiful, but in fact it has nothing to do with a beautiful woman. Actually, taking the culture schema into account, the film title “American Beauty” is a kind of flower which belongs to Rosaceae, and director uses the flower to represent the sacred love of a girl. In Chinese people’s mind, rose represent beautiful and love, so “美国心玫瑰情” is more appropriate and acceptable by the Chinese audience. Therefore, in the translation process, all kinds of schemas are interconnected and interacted with each other. Only when we allow full play to the functions of the four schemas can we achieve higher quality of translation.

3.3 Characteristics of Cognitive Schemata
Many scholars have made contribution to figure out the characteristics of schemas, such as Rumelhart, Anderson, Roger. T. Bell, etc. Schemas have been described as possessing five particular characteristics, which Bell (2001:250) has summarized as follows:
Firstly, represent knowledge of all kinds; secondly, made up of smaller, more specific, sub-schemas and scripts which constitute action stereotypes and provide pre-established routines for handling particular kinds of event; thirdly, can be linked to form larger units –memory organization packets; fourthly, be organized as a chain of slots for which fillers can be chosen, some with fixed compulsory values and others with variable, optional values; fifthly, be all engaged in the recognition and interpretation of new information. 认知图式理论关照下影视片名的翻译策略研究(4):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_7617.html