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时间:2021-05-19 22:12来源:英语论文
Linguistic Analysis on the Development of Keywords Begin and End in For Loops in High-level Programming Languages,英语论文计算机高级语言FOR循环语句中BEGIN-END关键词演变的语言学分析

摘要本文以计算机高级语言FOR循环语句中的BEGIN-END这一对关键词作为研究的切入对象。按照计算机语言发展的时间顺序,分析了BASIC, Pascal, C语言FOR结构中的BEGIN-END关键词对。引用了两个实例,从机器和程序员两个角度出发,分析了BEGIN-END这对关键词在单语句和复数语句的循环体中的缺陷及改善。本文在结合了语言学的基本知识和计算机编程的知识背景,分析了BEGIN-END关键词对出现和变化的原因。并进一步将BEGIN-END关键词对的变化与计算机语言中的其他关键词的变化进行对比,分析得出:少数关键词被替换成符号以提供更好的可读性,减少关键词集的膨胀速度;绝大部分旧关键词得到保留;有自然语言特征的新关键词不断出现以适应新的功能。最终得出关键词在向自然语言发展的结论。67138

毕业论文关键词  计算机高级语言   关键词   FOR循环   BEGIN   END


毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title   Linguistic Analysis on the Development of Keywords Begin and End in For Loops in High-level Programming Languages


This study focused on keywords “begin” and “end” in for loops in high-level programming languages, specifically in BASIC, Pascal and C according to the time sequence. Two examples were analyzed to show the defects and improvements of “begin” and “end” respectively in single and plural loop body from the perspective of both the programmer and the machine. By combining linguistic and programming knowledge, this study obtained the reason of the appearance and changes of “begin” and “end”. Further comparing these changes to other keywords, finally this study reached the conclusion that keywords are approaching to natural language with a large amount of new keywords with natural language features being adopted while few of the old ones were replaced by mathematical symbols to improve readability and reduce the speed of rapid expansion. 

Key Words   High-level Programming Language   Keyword 

For Loop   Begin   End

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Key Items 1

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study 3

2 Literature Review 4

2.1 Three Forms of Begin and End in For Loops 4

2.2 References on Keywords 6

2.3 Cognitive Linguistics and Computational Linguistics 7

3 Research Measurements 9

3.1 Methods 9

3.2 Research Questions 9

4 Analyses 10

4.1 Example I:Adder of 1 to 100 10

4.2 Example II:Calculating the 20th Fibonacci Number 11

4.3 Preliminary Analysis 12

4.4 Further Analysis 13

4.5 Analysis Associating with Other Keywords 16

Conclusion 19

Acknowledgements 20

Bibliography 21

1 Introduction

Since the invention of ENIAC(The Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator) in 1946, programming language has undergone a tremendous evolvement as quickly as the hardware. Programming language was firstly machine language consisted of 0 and 1, and then developed into assembler language(AL) with simple and abbreviated English words, and finally formed high-level programming language whose grammar and glossary are similar to natural language. 计算机高级语言FOR循环语句中BEGIN-END关键词演变的语言学分析:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_75233.html
