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时间:2017-05-20 11:29来源:英语论文
2.2 Differences in Aims of Family Education The aim of family education is to foster the children to grow in some directions by family education. It is the restrictive factor for the direction of fami

2.2 Differences in Aims of Family Education
    The aim of family education is to foster the children to grow in some directions by family education. It is the restrictive factor for the direction of family education, deciding the general effect of it. So the aim of family education is the core of family education and the fundamental reason for the differences between the two countries on family education.
There is an essential difference between two countries’ aims of family education. Whether to expect the child to become an outstanding person and hope the child to be an comprehensive and independent person or not is the difference exists between China and America. For most Chinese parents, the aim is to expect their child to be a “dragon”, which is“wang zi cheng long” in Chinese. But American parents hold on the opinion that the child should be a man of ability which is “wang zi cheng ren” in Chinese as their aim. For Chinese parents, their aims are to do anything to support their children to get high marks. In The Joy Luck Club, June’ mother ignores her daughter’s character and enforces her to be a talent just like the Waverly, leading to her daughter a rebel. June always expects that her mother would not hold any hope for her any more. She can not to be what her mother wants her to even if she can be carefully looked after.
What forms apparent contrasts to it is that American parents give their children more training in improving abilities. They try to train their children to have the abilities. They try to train their children to have the ability of adapting to environmental variety and the ability of living independently. The daughters do not have too high expectations for their future. Making room for themselves and living freely will be their sole desire.
2.3 Differences in the Methods of Family Education
    The differences of concepts and aims cause the children to be taught by different ways and methods. In Chinese family, affected by Chinese traditional culture, parents educate their children by “control” and “seal” type. There are three tips for it: 《喜福会》中美家庭教育差异(3):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_7449.html