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时间:2020-12-30 09:35来源:英语论文
A Brief Analysis on the Translator’s Subjectivity from the Perspective of Feminist Translation Theory--Application in the English Version of Love on a Barren Mountain,英语论文从女性主义翻译角度看译者主体地位《荒山之

Abstract  Feminist translation theory firstly emerged from the “cultural turn” of translation studies in the 1980s.People acquired the social, the political, the gender and the cultural aspects of translation activity. Translators, especially female translators, struggled for their right of speech. Hence, people began to pay attention to the status of translators. Feminist translation theory was a new theory that focused on the issue of the translator’s subjectivity from the perspective of feminist translation study with a consideration of both its theory and practice. The combination of feminism and translation influenced the traditional translation theories greatly and formed new translation strategies later. 61492

    This thesis intended to briefly analyze the manifestation of translator’s subjectivity from the perspective of feminist translation theory. To further clarify, it offers the application in a book--Love on a Barren Mountain, which was translated from Chinese to English by Kong Huiyi.

Keywords: feminist translation theory;subjectivity;translator’s subjectivity





1.Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Feminist Translation Theory 4

3.1 Feminism and Translation 4

3.2 The Nature and Features of Feminist Translation Theory 4

3.3 Feminist Translation Strategies 5

4.Translator’s Subjectivity in Feminist Translation 6

5. Application in the English Version of Love on a Barren Mountain 7

5.1 Brief Introduction to the Writer and Translator 8

5.2 Translator’s Subjectivity in the Choice of Text 8

5.3Application of Subjectivity in the Feminist Translation Theory 9

6. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13

 1. Introduction

As a traditional cultural activity, translation was traditionally regarded as subordinate to the original, and it was supposed to be absolutely faithful to the source language. Hence, the translator in traditional translation theory ought to be invisible in translation. As the subject of translation, translator’s subjectivity and creativity performed in the process of translation have been ignored in the translation history. Their production, for a long time, was ignored by the authority. The most popular metaphor “les belles infidels”, brought by a famous French translator, intended to declare that translation is must be either beautiful or faithful, which is just like woman. It seemed that translator and women have been despised as secondary and inferior status. Therefore, there was a close connection between translators and women for their similar social position. 从女性主义翻译角度看译者主体地位《荒山之恋》英译本:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_67281.html
