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时间:2017-05-03 12:17来源:英语论文
On the Tragedy Effect of The Return of the Native哈代小说《还乡》悲剧效果

托马斯•哈代是英国19世纪末20世纪初的现实主义小说家, 是现代主义的开先河者。在其最值得推崇和最具代表性的性格与环境小说中, 《还乡》是他第一部非常重要的悲剧性小说。本文通过哈代小说——《还乡》的形式和内容来论述哈代小说的悲剧效果。哈代的小说就非常有力的产生一种情感效果。在哈代的主要小说里, 人在同命运的斗争中, 力量悬殊, 任何努力都显得徒劳无益, 最后难逃毁灭的结局。正是因为这点, 悲剧的强度才大大提高, 我们才领略到怜悯和恐惧的悲剧效果。本文可分五部分:第一部分为概述。第二部分描述哈代的创作背景和作品。文章的第三部分另辟章节对环境即埃格敦荒原对小说的作用及其对文中主人公尤的悲剧命运的影响进行了单独分析。第四部分从两方面研究哈代小说的悲剧效果, 首先通过在小说中中心人物和事件, 悬念、发现和突转, 偶然和巧合以及有规则的节奏等形式的使用来分析哈代小说的悲剧效果。然后从哈代小说《还乡》的内容上分析哈代小说的悲剧效果。最后得出总结。8031
关键词: 《还乡》;悲剧;效果
Thomas Hardy, the critical realist at the turn of the 19th century and the forerunner of modernism in the 20th century, is mostly renowned for his novels of characters and environment, among which The Return of the Native is the first tragic and important one. The paper discusses the tragic effect of Hardy’s The Return of the Native through the forms and contents. The intensity of tragic experience in Hardy’s novels is significantly enhanced by his conviction that there is a fundamental dissonance between humanity and the ruthless fate the inpiduals struggle against. We have a vivid impression of the feebleness of his main characters before the onslaught of that blind force, thus experiencing an intense feeling of pity and fear. This paper is pided into five parts. The first is an introduction. The second part shows main works of Thomas Hardy. Then it analyzes the role which Egdon Heath plays in the whole story and in the characters’ tragedy and the tragic effect in part four. Part four discusses the tragic effect of this novel and it consists of two aspects: the first one analyzes the tragic effect achieved by the use of the unity of action and suspense in this novel; the second one analyzes the tragic effect by the description of the four characters and tragic conflict from the contents of this novel. The last part is a conclusion based on the discussion in the previous parts.
Key Words: The Return of the Native; tragedy; effect
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II. Thomas Hardy’s Works    2
2.1 The Creation Background    2
2.2 Masterpieces    3
2.3 Critical Opinions on Hardy’s works    4
Ⅲ. Tragic Atmosphere    4
3.1 The Description of Egdon Heath    5
3.2 The Setting of the Whole Story    6
3.3 The Tragic Tone of the Whole Story    6
IV. Tragic Effect of Hardy’s Novel—The Return of the Native    7
4.1 The Forms of Tragedy    7
4.1.1 The Unity of Actions    8
4.1.2 Suspense    10
4.2 Tragic Contents: Characters and Conflicts    11
V. Conclusion    14
Bibliography    17
Acknowledgements    18
摘 要
On the Tragedy Effect of The Return of the Native

I. Introduction

Thomas Hardy was the last important novelist of the Victorian age. He has often been called a pessimist, a gloomy and depressing writer. Indeed his pictures of human life are really not so encouraging. Entangled and struggling in the web of tragedy, his men and women never have a chance to taste the sweetness of triumph; while pursuing their dreams and aspirations all they experience is the bitterness of misfortune and failure. 哈代小说《还乡》悲剧效果:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_6224.html