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时间:2020-06-26 09:37来源:英语论文
Translation is one of the most important ways of cross cultural communication, and it is actually involved in how to communicate and transfer the foreign culture, so as to achieve the equivalent trans

Translation is one of the most important ways of cross cultural communication, and it is actually involved in how to communicate and transfer the foreign culture, so as to achieve the equivalent transformation of the pragmatic meaning. The diet culture in a dream of Red Mansions is rich and colorful, with a strong Chinese traditional cultural characteristics, which brings difficulties to the translator's translation. Because of the different purposes of translation, the translation strategies adopted by Yang Xianyi and Hawkes have different translation strategies in the novels with Chinese characteristics.Yang Xianyi and his wife to the Chinese culture as much as possible to the British and American readers, so the use of foreignization to retain the original cultural characteristics of the original. Hawkes domestication strategy to the readers as the center, in order to make the readers understand, but also in the practice of translation in the use of multiple foreignization. 红楼梦饮食翻译研究(3):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_55367.html