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时间:2019-07-12 22:19来源:英语论文
On the Application of Class Discussion in English Teaching in Junior Middle Schools,英语论文浅谈课堂讨论在初中英语教学中的应用

摘 要课堂讨论是指学生在教师的指导下,就教材中的基础理论或主要疑难问题,在独立钻研的基础上,共同进行讨论、辩论的教学组织形式。可以全班进行,也可分大组进行。但在实际教学过程中,课堂讨论仍然存在很多问题,许多讨论只流于形式,没有实质的效果。因此,改善中学英语教学中的课堂讨论是十分必要的。本文通过对中学英语教学中的课堂讨论法进行研究,分析说明了课堂讨论的内涵、类型、必要性以及在中学英语教学中课堂讨论存在的问题,运用原则以及具体的应用策略,旨在使课堂讨论法和中学英语教学有效结合,更有利于提高中学英语课堂教学质量和学生素质。36965
Abstract  Class discussion is a form of teaching activities, in which students discuss and debate over the elementary theories or major problems in the textbooks on the base of independent study under teacher’s instructions. It can be applied to the whole class or in large groups. But there are many problems in the actual teaching process, with many of the discussion only a formality, with no real effects. So it is necessary to improve class discussion method in English teaching in junior middle schools. This paper focuses on the application of class discussion in English teaching in junior middle schools, analyzes the definition, the types, the necessities of class discussion, current situations and principles of the application of class discussion, and the specific application strategies in English teaching in junior middle schools. It aims at combining the method of class discussion with junior middle school English teaching effectively to improve the quality of class teaching and the quality of students.
Key words: class discussion; junior middle schools; English teaching
On the Application of Class Discussion in English Teaching in Junior Middle Schools
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II. On Class Discussion    2
2.1 The Definition of Class Discussion    2
2.2 The Types of Class Discussion    2
2.3 The Necessities of Class Discussion    3
III. Application of Class Discussion in English Teaching in Junior Middle Schools    6
3.1 Current Situations in the Application of Class Discussion    6
3.2 Principles of Applying Class Discussion    9
3.3 The Significance of the Application of Class Discussion........................................10             
IV. The Specific Application Strategies of Class Discussion in English Teaching    11
4.1 An Appropriate Topic    11
4.2 A Clear Discussion Task    11
4.3 Reasonable Grouping    11
4.4 Declarations of Class Discussion    12
4.5 Regulations of Class Discussion    12
4.6 Comprehensive Evaluation    13
V. Conclusion    13
Bibliography    15
Acknowledgements    16
I. Introduction

Discussion method, also known as class discussion, which students are involved in to solve a problem and obtain knowledge under teacher’s instructions. Class discussion is the class teaching organization in which students exchange opinions and ideas on the learning content and questions raised by the teacher and debate and argue over some aspects of an issue in order to reach a common and mutual understanding. (Yang Cuirong, Zhang Zhenxing 2005) Class discussion is created by Harved University in 1904 and it has been widely used in the universities in many develop countries, with its biggest advantage a two-way communication function. Modern education spurs people to pay more attention to improving the quality of students, and subsequently English teaching in junior middle schools has also made corresponding requirements, and how to improve the quality of classroom teaching efficiently and how to help students in the aspect of cognitive, emotional, intellectual, practice, capacity sustainable through teaching training have become major subjects in English teaching. Class discussion in English teaching in junior middle schools is conductive to improve the quality of teaching and it is a good teaching method to promote comprehensive quality education. It can deepen students’ understanding of theoretical knowledge, help to inspire students to think independently, communicate ideas, cultivate their ability of independent analysis, problem-solving and train their oral expressive abilities. 浅谈课堂讨论在初中英语教学中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_35643.html