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时间:2020-01-16 16:31来源:英语论文
On the Disruption and Reconstruction of the Southern American Culture in Gone with the Wind,英语论文小说《飘》中美国南方文化的瓦解和重建

Acknowledgements My deepest and most sincere thanks go to , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and patient guidance. She helped me get my ideas into shape and inspired me continuously. Without her concentrated guidance, my thesis could not have the present formation.44052

I would also like to thank all the professors and teachers in the school of foreign language who have instructed me and also enlightened me in the past four years. And I gained the improvement of my academic ability and passion for literature. 

At last, I want to express my gratitude to my family and friends. They gave me their hands whole-heartedly in the process of writing this thesis.

On the Disruption and Reconstruction of the Southern American Culture in Gone with the Wind

Abstract  Gone with the Wind is Margaret Mitchell’s masterpiece which is like a mirror to reflect the transition of the Southern American Culture. The present thesis is centered in the southern and modernist context. And based on the persity as varying examples from every class, the thesis tries to explain the “strong feeling of loss mixed with hope” through the fiction from the perspective of the disruption and reconstruction of the Southern American Culture. Unlike what others have defined the theme of Gone with the Wind as sentimental, the information Mitchell intends to deliver, as I will argue, is respectively progressive --- to accept the drastic changes of the South, to admit the deficiency of the old pedantry, and to believe a tomorrow even better than the plantation legend through the reconstruction both economically and spiritually. The “perfect reconstruction” in Mitchell’s mind manifests in the combination of the two characters Scarlett and Rhett. And this ideal is not “Reconstructed but Unregenerate”, yet “Reconstructed and Regenerate”; not abandoning the total past, but taking the essence and discarding the dregs from the old times. Thus welcome a new South mixed with the marrow of past and the expectation of the future.

Keywords: Gone with the Wind, Southern American culture, disruption, reconstruction, modernist


摘  要玛格丽特·米切尔的小说《飘》像镜子般映射出美国南方文化的变迁。本文将从美国南方文化的瓦解和重建来解读小说中贯穿全文的强烈的失落感和“绝望与希望交织的复杂心态”。米彻尔想要通过《飘》传达的信息并不如许多人认为的那样“感伤”。她赞美南方重建过程中的“进步”和“先驱精神”,歌颂主人公在旧文明的废墟上迎接新文明到来的勇气。她不沉溺于种植园传奇的美好过去,也不盲目地支持南方的工业化, 现代化和资本主义的萌芽。她毫不留情地揭露南方人的傲慢,“棉花王国”的缺陷和危机,她赞扬斯佳丽的坚强,瑞特的智慧和远见但同时又肯定南方人传统文化中的美好品质,比如骑士精神,绅士风度`优尔*文+论]文|网\www.youerw.com,温文尔雅,善解人意等等。她以辩证的思维向人们展示了她理想中的重建,即克服心中强烈的失落感从而勇敢地迎接新文明的曙光,论文网同时又继承传统文化中那些迷人的元素,重建一个比过去更加美好的“新南方”。



Introduction 1

1.The Characteristics of the Antebellum Southern American Culture  2

  1.1 The Agrarian Society Based on Slavery System of Antebellum South2

1.1.1 The Agrarian Society and Plantation Life   2  

1.1.2 The Slavery System3

  1.2 The Value System of Antebellum Southern People   4 小说《飘》中美国南方文化的瓦解和重建:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_45208.html
