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时间:2020-01-02 19:16来源:英语论文
On the C-E Translation of the Names of Sichuan Dishes from the Cross-Cultural Communication Perspective,英语论文从跨文化交际的角度看川菜名的英译

Abstract In recent years, with the development of globalization, communication between different countries has been increasing. Eating, a special necessary activity which is done by people all over the world, is an important way of cross-cultural communication. A delicious cuisine can let foreign guests intuitively know Chinese local conditions and their aesthetic interests. So translations of Chinese cuisines have become particularly important. Good translations can make foreign guests know what they will eat and better understand the Chinese diet culture and national culture. Good translations not only can improve China's national image, but also can advance the promotion of Chinese food and Chinese food culture in overseas which enhances the cross-cultural communication between countries.43528

In all the Chinese cuisines, Sichuan cuisine is the most famous one. Originating in Sichuan Province of west China, Sichuan cuisine, known as Chuan Cai in Chinese, enjoys an international reputation for being spicy and flavorful. It has different methods of cooking, featuring the taste of hot, sweet, sour, salty, or tongue-numbing. 

So how to translate the names of Sichuan dishes in an appropriate way and avoid making mistakes in cross-cultural communication has become the focus of all translators. This paper will discuss the C-E translation of the names of Sichuan dishes from the cross-cultural communication perspective. In discussing the difference between Chinese and Western way of naming dishes and diet culture, combining studying the ingredients and cooking techniques of Sichuan cuisines, the paper will discuss how to use translation methods of paraphrasing, translation variation and transliteration to translate Sichuan dishes names in cross-cultural communication activities.

Key Words: diet cultural     Sichuan dishes     cross-cultural communication     characteristics of Sichuan dishes     translating strategies and methods

 摘 要近年来,随着全球化的发展,世界各国交流日益密切。饮食,作为全世界人民所共有的特殊的必需活动,是一种重要的跨文化交流方式。因为很多时候我们无需多言,一道佳肴就能直观的让外宾体会到中国的风土人情、审美情趣。所以与此同时菜名的翻译显得格外重要。好的菜名翻译可以让外宾对菜肴、菜肴中多蕴含的饮食文化、民族文化有更加清晰的认识,在增强中国自身形象的同时也促进了中国饮食、饮食文化在海外的推广,促进了国与国之间的跨文化交流。



毕业论文关键词:饮食文化     川菜菜名     跨文化交际     川菜特点     翻译策略与方法


Abstract i

摘 要 iii

Contents iv

Chapter One Background and purpose of the research

1.1 Background of the research 从跨文化交际的角度看川菜名的英译:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_44415.html
